Ultimate Badass Movie Characters

Some Of My Favorite Male & Female Badass Movie Characters Male Badass Movie Characters 1) Lee Christmas Lee Christmas is the...
6 19

5 Old Songs That Bring The Child Out Of Me

1. Cars That Go Boom https://www.youtube.com/embed/BaeNelsAOGo 2. Electric Boogaloo (Forgot Songs Name)...
2 4

The Power of Music

Music is a universal language. It is much more than a series of notes and rhythm. Music has always been a very important part of our...
2 7

Why am I made of Metal?

Hello مرحبا Today's take won't be a challenge , I am going to show a bit of what I know in the world of Metal & Rock & Roll !! Here it...
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Types of Music That I Enjoy Listening to Most

R&B/soul music Just songs that give off great rhythm, deep beat, and that are influential to cardio dance workouts that I like to create...
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Movies with Life Lessons

There's plenty of nonsense sitcoms and reality TV shows out there... but at the same time, there's movies that carry actual lessons for...
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My favorite sitcoms

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I love Will Smith. Sure, Fresh Prince is kind of cheesy, but it's awesome. Watch out, here comes Jazz being...
10 15

Who is this actor?

I know his face, but I can't remember his name or what movies he was in.

Why do gamers do this?

Gamers should not be dissatisfied with a game they can willingly not buy. They didn’t have to buy the game and pay for it yet they...

What are the best songs from your teen years?

YouTube links of your songs are highly welcomed. 😁 👇 👇 👇

Anyone else wish Owlbears really existed?

For those who don't know an owlbear is a fictional creature originally created for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. An...
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