Why does it seem like men aren't allowed to be jealous but women can?

When ross was jealous of mark, who rachel worked with in fashion, rachel couldn't stand it but, rachel was always jealous of ross and...

I may be assuming this. But. Did you notice that Netflix content gets lower ratings on imDb, as compared to PriveVideo's, on an average?

imDb is owned by Amazon. The pattern I mentioned in the question... I have been noticing it from 1 year or so. This has been happening...

Can you explain a film plot badly?

I really like the #explainafilmplotbadly memes! Can you explain any film plots badly? Don't tell me the answer, let me guess.

How can I tell my nerdy mom I don't care for videogames, comic books and Marvel movies without hurting her feelings?

I don't judge her for liking that stuff but I find it boring and she always tries to get me into it and buys me videogames or comic book...

Do you like to challenge?

Who did you challenge? For what?

Are you a nyctophile person? How do you enjoy the night?

Im a nyctophile person 🌑🌙 Nyctophile (n.) - preference for the night or darkness I sleep around 12am middle of the night lately...

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