Why is she treating that kid like that?

This year, I started my internship at the kindergarten. We are 4 interns, including me. One of the girls acts more interested in one of...

I’m worried my family will get angry at me for not attending a family funeral, what should I do?

I am moving away this weekend and I had it all planned. However, my grand parent passed away very suddenly last weekend. The funeral is...

How to get over embarrassing moments?

Every time I do or say something embarrassing the memory sticks in my head for days 😂

What's the US bringing us next?

"Not only in america" The US is going crazy and just keeps going downhill, every weird shit that starts in there is contagious to other...

What do you do when your family doesn't have faith in you?

Both of my parents think I'm not capable of taking care of myself and my son my dad told me I wouldn't be able to survive on my own or...

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