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1 mo

Do you mind if the protagonist of the story is a woman?

I fully disagree - Lucy is actually pretty good; it's Maximus and almost everything else about the Brotherhood of Steel that drags the show down hard. Granted I only watched the first two episodes... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Have you watched Dune 2? Did you like it?

With the caveat that I haven't read the books, I liked it. The main thing I don't care for with the Dune movies is that they're really just one movie broken into two halves (setup and payoff) so... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

When exactly was the precise moment that the MCU started to go downhill?

The quality fluxuated a bit from the beginning, but I argue that Captain America Civil War was the last time an MCU movie was reliably good and lived up to its own hype (the peak), and Infinity... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Is Emma Watson Hot?

If she didn't come across as an insufferable person to be around, she would be. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Why are all men potrayed as Loser weak jerks in a movie with Female as main character?

That trope has been a thing a lot longer than most people realize, but in modern movies, it's largely because the writers do not know how to actually make strong (or good) female characters, so... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Were the signs that the MCU is dying always there?

Public interest in the MCU basically peaked at Infinity War/Endgame, and has been on a noticeable decline ever since, to the point that those movies are not even profitable anymore. In my opinion... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Anyone a fan of Hazbin Hotel?

No. The original pilot on YouTube was interesting and set up a premise for a lot of potential, but the Amazon show was a significant downgrade. That's mainly due to having very few good musical... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Are you going to watch the new Fallout tv show?

I might give it a chance solely because of Walton Goggins. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Is Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man film still in your superhero movie top 5 after all of these years?

I've never taken the time to rank every superhero movie I've ever seen, but it's probably top 10. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Beyonce released her new country album ''Cowboy Carter'' to her fans. Do you think the album will be appreciated?

I don't listen to Beyonce music or country music so I'm really not interested. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

What's Your headcannon for a Warhammer 40k Live action?

Henry Cavill is directing and I think starring in a 40K series for Amazon. If the story has been confirmed, then it would be news to me, but the rumors I've heard are mostly focused on either... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

What do y’all think about it?

If the previously assumed release date is December 2025, then it's relatively normal to expect a delay that pushes it into 2026... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

What other American city is the most like New York?

"I do like the drugs, gangs, migrants and homeless people..." Well good news: all of those can be found in every major US city, so throw darts at a wall or something. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Would this Star Wars idea be good?

No. Here's why: 1. Genderbent cloning is a dumb scifi trope that serves no actual purpose. Furthermore, cloning itself is badly overused in Star Wars. Instead, write it that Luke's DNA is used to... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Am I the only one who loves action movies even if it's unrealistic?

If it's a movie that isn't trying to be realistic, then I can usually enjoy it. If it's a movie that is supposed to be based on real events and people however, I will flay it up and down for even... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Is Aladdin originally middle eastern or chinese?

Chinese but you also have to keep in mind that in the late 13th century when the story first began circulating, the Mongol/Chinese empire had conquered Persia and controlled most of the middle... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Christopher Nolan: You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain. Do you agree with him?

You can observe this phenomenon firsthand in politics and the workplace, especially from the "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" types. Entertainment & Arts

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