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+1 y

Do russian go out to buy food in winter?

Not only do they go out to buy food in winter, but Russians go out in bikinis and Speedos in winter. They swim and skinny dip in life-sapping icy water that would kill the rest of us.... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like banana cake?

Anyone can give me tips on how to ensure my banana cakes aren't too moist in the middle? And baking it for longer doesn't help. I'm guessing too many bananas in it? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Which fictional universe would you pick to live in forever?

The Marvel Universe. I want to experience how the world would be like if people were making wisecracks, dishing out situational jokes, and shooting one-liners every 45 seconds. Travel

+1 y

What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

As someone who has lost count of the amount of kangaroo he has eaten, I can tell you, as a meat, it's only so-so. Best eaten as stew (wet) rather than steaks (dry). Food & Beverage

+1 y

What do vegans and vegetarians put in their burritos?

Tofu shouldn't go in a burrito. Tofu's texture, taste, and absorbing qualities would make it a very poor pick as an ingredient in a burrito. I hope that the owner of this burrito place... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like popcorn tins?

But what do you with the tins? Seems like unnecessary packaging when you can just get them in recyclable tear-open bags - although to be fair, when they come in bags, they're mixed together, not... Food & Beverage

+1 y

How do you feel about paper straws? Have you heard of it? Is it common where you come from?

That's why I feel people should just buy one stainless steel straw and carry it everywhere. It's also not that expensive, when you take in the long-term effect on the environment. Maybe I... Food & Beverage

+1 y

What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

Surströmming, just to see whether it's stronger/more pungent than hakarl (which I've tried). Food & Beverage

+1 y

When boiling eggs, do you put the eggs in at the start or do you put them in when the water starts to boil?

I remember an episode of Hell's Kitchen: Ramsay: Come on, you donkey! Is the water going to boil faster when you put in hot water or cold water first? Contestant: *thinks about it for a... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Which countries are the most/least welcoming towards foreign visitors?

It depends, unfortunately, on your skin color as well. For example, in many parts of Asia, you'll be treated very well (maybe even better than how the locals are treated) if you're white.... Travel

+1 y

Thoughts on Panda Express?

I ate Panda Express once. I'm Asian. I would hate to think that the first thing people think of when I mention "Asian cuisine" or "Chinese cuisine" is Panda Express. That would be like... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or Bonox?

Okay. I had to look up Bonox. I've had Bovril, Marmite, Vegemite, but I've never had this Bonox. Anyone knows how it tastes like in relation to Bovril, Marmite, and Vegemite? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Have you ever eaten fast food in a third world country?

The KFC I have tasted in some parts of Asia are far superior to what can be found in the KFCs of "first world countries". Actually, come to think of it, Asia has far better fast food than... Travel

+1 y

Do you like noodle soup?

I'm Asian, so yes. A hot noodle soup is infinitely better than some cold sandwich wrap thingy. Food & Beverage

+1 y

What comes to your mind when you think of a French girl?

Girls who love real butter and have no problems eating an entire baguette by themselves. Travel

+1 y

Would you rent out your own property on AirBnB, or a similar website?

I would do it only if I lived on the same property, but partitioned off. That way, you get your own privacy, but you know if they're up to no good or thrashing your place. Travel

+1 y

What "unusual" food is served in your country and nowhere else?

Cake made with an entire tonne of sugar AND High Fructose Corn Syrup. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like pasta?

This is like asking "Do you like money?" I've never encountered anyone who doesn't like pasta. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Noodles or Pasta?

Flat handtossed and handcut noodles with fish slices in fish broth with plenty of cilantro is my comfort food, so I'll go with that. I was trained to cook both Asian noodles and Western pasta, but... Food & Beverage

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