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From: Spain
Influencer Opinion
No, because feminism is an ever-changing, multi-waved ideology that is not all-inclusive.
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- Commented on an opinion:Should it matter what role an actor takes on?
Well I'm definitely in support of Scottish independence +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Should it matter what role an actor takes on?
Indeed +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Should it matter what role an actor takes on?
By some. Rob Roy represents a religious struggle, whereas people like Wallace and Robert the... +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Should it matter what role an actor takes on?
It was during that same century (16th century) that Kilts first started to become popular in... +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Should it matter what role an actor takes on?
Kilts weren't popular until much later. The movie 'Outlaw King' shows a much more accurate... +1 y
- Shared opinion:Trump supporters, are you afraid to wear a MAGA hat?
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do wear a MAGA hat sometimes. +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Why do so many men hate feminism?
That's hilarious! +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Why do so many men hate feminism?
@the_mad_tinkerer I see what you're saying, but I've encountered women who do that as well and... +1 y
- Shared opinion:Why do so many men hate feminism?
I don't hate feminism as a whole, i simply hate modern/third wave feminism. Im all for equality... +1 y
- Shared opinion:Should we send Death Row prisoners to Mars to prepare sites for colonization?
No, definitely not. That sounds like a recipe for disaster! +1 y
- Shared opinion:Why is henna seen as cultural appropriation? Do you think that it's cultural appropriation?
Cultural appropriation is a retarded term and I don't view it as being valid +1 y
- Shared opinion:Woman wins National Design Award for chairs forcing men to close their legs, and women to spread their legs. Thoughts?
Never go full retard! +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Do you agree with the term, "get woke, go broke"?
Nonsense. The movies I mentioned had an agenda beyond telling a story. That much was evident by... +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Do you agree with the term, "get woke, go broke"?
Forcing political correctness into movies e. g. Ghostbusters, Oceans 8, The Last Jedi, Bond, etc +1 y
- Commented on an opinion:Do you agree with the term, "get woke, go broke"?
Thats exactly what im referring to +1 y
- Asked a question:Do you agree with the term, "get woke, go broke"?
Do you find that within the entertainment industry (movies, tv shows, games, etc), those that... +1 y
- Shared opinion:Is having a racial preference racist?
Depends on the reasoning. If you're simply more attracted to a certain race, then no, it isn't... +1 y
- Shared opinion:Do you feel uncomfortable when police are around you?
Only if I'm high +1 y
- Shared opinion:Do you find the word "retarded" offensive?
Offensive in the sense that if someone is calling you retarded and you aren't retarded, then... +1 y
- Shared opinion:If Meat Was Banned, What Would Your Reaction Be?
Id hunt those responsible down and eat their families while they watch +1 y
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