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+1 y

When was the first baptism in relation to Judaism and/or Christianity?

Well Jesus certainly wasn’t the first baptized. Recall that the fellow who came before him was John The Baptist after all. He led a rather large baptist cult. Christian Tvilah or Baptism,... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do people subscribe to the concept of free will?

I’m a comparabilist much in the vein of Dennet. I describe the view a bit here Dennet's Compatabilist View of Free Will ↗ Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why do you or do you not believe in god?

I don’t believe in a god or gods because I don’t see sufficient evidence to warrant belief Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is acceptance the answer to life's problems?

Accept the things you can’t change, have the courage to face the things you can, and seek the wisdom to tell the difference. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

When you die, would you rather cease to exist or wander the earth forever never being able to interact with anything?

Wander, is still get to watch everything and that’d be pretty sweet. I want to know what happens. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think rape was a natural/biological mating strategy for men at one point in time, but a multitude of processes has put a halt to this practice?

Didn’t you already ask this? Or is this a new question in response to your prior one? Presuming the latter I’ll just continue with my point from our last discussion. It’s a rather strange... Society & Politics

+1 y

So this is probably a dumb question but I'm being serious here, The Bible says Jesus was a Carpenter, but does it mention if he was good at it?

Well the Greek Of Matthew 13:55 specifically calls Jesus a τέκτονος or in our letters tektonos. Tekton is less specific than “carpenter”, it really is more akin to our term “crafstman”. This is... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Mansplaining. Has it happened to you?

It’s explaining something. The sex of the person is irrelevant to me. It’s true that oftentimes people who try to explain something do so erroneously, but that’s the case with men and women. Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think of the rise in atheism/lack of religious affiliation?

Nothing really. I think they're right on the god question, besides that I don't know much about an atheist till I talk to them. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness?

Well based on your explanation no. I don't think that's a necessary interpretation. A better interpretation I think would be that there can be no forgiveness without restitution. There may be some... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What religions besides Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Satanism have angels (or angelic beings portrayed as humans with wings)?

Besides the Abrahamic religions Zorastrianism (which appears to have influenced Judaism and the subsequent religions) seems to have had them. Additionally belief in intermediary beings like angels... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do knowledge and understanding make you content and happy as a person?

Look at knowledgeable people and see if it makes them happy. I'd say that doesn't really seem to be the case. I'd guess this is because ignorance is bliss, with knowledge and understanding comes... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Religious Cult: Have you or someone you know ever been involved in one?

Cult in the antrhopological sense yes. Christianity is a Jewish savior cult. Cult comes from the Latin cultus which just means cultus. In the common parlance though no, I wouldn't say I'd... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why are churches so gender segregated?

What? I've never found a church that was notably gender segregated. There may be some men's or women's groups specifically within them, but I've never seen that for the main service. Women do go... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is being part of LGBTQIAP is something out of your own control?

I'm not sure I understand the question. You can certainly choose to abstain from or engage in sex that you're not particularly happy about (see straight guys doing gay porn), and you can certainly... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is Nazism in Harmony With Christianity?

I guess C? I'm not sure if I shared this with you before Hitler a Pantheist, Christian, Atheist. Oh My! ↗ but the official stance of the Nazi party was that of Positivist Christianity. A... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

I live by the fruit of the spirit, what about you?

I guess? Somewhat at least. I'm kind, I love, I enjoy joy, I'm quite peaceful, I'm faithful to my friends and family, I'm gentle to my loved ones, forbearance and self control seem rather similar... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What are your religious beliefs?

Agnostic atheist. I've tended to be highly critical of religious belief in the past finding it to be one of the chief causes of misery in the world today. I've stepped back a bit more recently.... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What do you think of meditation?

I said C. Meditation is known to have quite a lot of positive health benefits. Reduction of stress chief among these. I don't think it's supernatural though, rather just a practice which helps... Religion & Spirituality

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