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22 h

Which countries history and culture do you admire?

Probably the two I most admire - I don't include my own country - is Britain and Japan. Especially the former. Britain's obvious influence in the world, from an historical perspective, is pretty... Society & Politics

2 d

What is your stance on abortion?

Voted "wrong except under certain circumstances," i. e. the life or health of the mother. The British statesman and political philosopher Edmund Burke wrote, "The effect of liberty to individuals... Society & Politics

4 d

Do you want daylight savings time?

Absolutely, categorically, emphatically YES!! First, it does, I admit, help that I am a morning person. So getting up an hour earlier is not that big a deal for me. Leaving that aside, I love the... Society & Politics

5 d

Why are birth rates dropping?

Well, actually, neither proposed answer really covers it. In fact, as economies modernize and industrialize, birthrates tend to drop. That is pretty much the historical norm. The reasons for this... Society & Politics

6 d

I hate people who make complete stops at stop signs when there’s no cars coming in any direction. Thoughts?

Have to disagree. You assume that you ALWAYS with absolute perfection know when another car is coming - not to mention pedestrians, especially small children and the like. You only need to be... Society & Politics

9 d

Did you think Macron's speech yesterday was anti-American?

No, President Macron was not being anti-American. Rather, this seems to be a rather honest assessment of the strategic relationship among the great powers of the world and its implications. That... Society & Politics

10 d

In your opinion, what made the United Kingdom win the fight against France for world domination?

The question is a bit of an oversimplification. Pick any given moment in time, and one or the other of the two powers was the dominant global power. Such is the nature of human affairs. However,... Society & Politics

16 d

Today is the date of Rome's foundation, 2777th since Rome was founded. What does Rome mean to you?

Not sure what the question is asking. Currently Rome is the capital and largest city of Italy, the world's 9th largest economy and still an important European power. Interestingly, it is the only... Society & Politics

17 d

According to you, is abortion right or wrong?

It is, at the most basic level, wrong. The basis on which abortion-at-will is legalized is the premise that life has no objective value but is only a subjective individual judgment. Thus, the... Society & Politics

20 d

Capitalism or communism?

This is not a hard one. The success rate for socialism being less than stellar, with an unblemished record of failure since the model first came out. (To which I can add some family members who... Society & Politics

25 d

Is Leonardo da Vinci one of history's greatest geniuses?

This is an easy one. Not only is their his art. From what I have seen he actually had designs on paper for things like what became the helicopter. No joke. Talk about ahead of his time!! To quote... Society & Politics

27 d

Do you consider the unborn to be a person? if yes, wouldn't the unborn apply to the 14th ammendment?

Yes, an unborn human child must be a person. A thing cannot be other than what it is. When a human egg and a human sperm meet, the only thing that will ever result is human. It will not become a... Society & Politics

1 mo

Was one of the errors of the West to believe that it could change the various states that existed in the world to make them democracies?

The question is a bit overgeneralized. To say it was one of the errors of "the West" is a overstating the matter. However, it would be fair to say that it was an error of several schools of... Society & Politics

1 mo

If you had to pick, are you Left Wing or Right Wing?

Voted "active right," but I always, when I see this kind of question, have to put an asterisk over it. (Though "active" only by virtue of the fact that I work in politics.) First, to start, the... Society & Politics

1 mo

Are mass shootings and gun crime the price of liberty in the USA?

We accept, with any right, the potentiality that it may conduce to evil as much as it may conduce to good. The method by which a right is exercised is less consequential then the social context... Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you like Abraham Lincoln and why?

Unquestionably. While other Presidents had defining accomplishments and are of undoubted historical importance, none was as decisive and significant as Lincoln, who not only saved the Union in its... Society & Politics

1 mo

Am I a strange person?

Are you strange? Not at all. In fact, what you are demonstrating is A) an admirable love of your country. B) An appreciation of your nation's history and C) an appreciation of both its' strengths... Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you trust the police?

Yes, definitely. No joke, when I was no more than 5 years old, I can remember my mother telling my younger brother and me, "If you kids get thrown in jail you can expect to stay there because I... Society & Politics

1 mo

Can you people stop acting like you know what you're talking about?

Well, without being more specific I am not sure that I can answer your question - if such an outburst can be called - in any meaningful way. That said, I can only offer my credentials. For my... Society & Politics

1 mo

Is there anyone else here who, like me, doesn't trust either 'side' of politics?

Woodrow Wilson - to be sure, not one of my favorites - said that one principle of democratic self-government is that someone somewhere must be trusted. Quite simply, democracy at some level... Society & Politics

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