
Search Results: do guys care girls makeup

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Do guys care about bare faced girls?

Well i was thinking about having a sleep over with my boyfriend and i was wondering if guys care about no makeup girls not that i think i look bad or anything just want to know. QUESTION TIME ! Tell me guys if u prefer...
Well i was thinking about having a sleep over with my boyfriend and i was wondering if guys care about no makeup girls not that i think i look bad or anything just want to know. QUESTION TIME ! Tell me guys if u prefer heavy makeup or none at all or just light makeup. Thanks for your answers.
prefer girls with makeup
prefer girls with no makeup
girls with light makep
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What do guys and girls think about a girl who doesn't wear makeup?

So I barely wear any makeup, and if I do it's only mascara and a little lipgloss... I never put on any foundation, blush, powder, etc.. I just feel like it would clog my pores and make my skin irritated. I do take care of...
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Things guys want girls to know: GUYS: Are These True? which are/aren't?

1. Guys are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try. 2. Guys may be flirting around all day but...
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Do guys care if a girl has a young face/child- like features? Do you prefer women who look their age?

So my baby face and petite frame have caused me to look younger than I actually am (about 5 years younger). Add in the fact that I don’t wear a lot of makeup. With my round cheeks and 5’1 height, I usually get the “cute,”...
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Do guys care about ( hair , nails , clothes , makeup ) on their girl?

My boyfriend rarely compliments :/ maybe because there isn’t much to compliment but I’ve changed my hair color and he just tells me it looks good. Or when I get my nails done he says the same thing. Or with new clothes he...
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Do guys care about this?

if you saw a girl with a beautiful face, nice smile, nice teeth, awesome outfit, cool shoes, nice butt, nice boobs, awesome/pretty hair,nice (not to much) makeup she had all that and she seemed chill/funny/happy...would...
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Do guys like tomboy looking girls?

Do guys like girls who dress kind of boyish or do they prefer girlier or trendy looking girls? i don't think I dress too boyish. I wear girl clothes but I make it look my own style. I wear lots of layers because they...
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At what age do guys stop caring so much about sex or a girl's looks and starts caring about something as important as their intelligence or career?

I'm 21. I've only had one boyfriend in my life (when I was 19). He dumped me for the reason that I was too good for him as he said he is shy and insecure and I'm not. Guys don't notice me in college as I dress in a classy...
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What do guys consider "too much" makeup?

There this guy at work that seriously gets on my nerves...he's aways bugging me about my makeup! Like seriously! WTF?is his problem & why da hell would he care? He always makes commments & always ask me"why I wear so much...
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Do guys really dont care about looks?

I hear boys say all the time that they’d rather have a woman who doesn’t wear make up at all. Because makeup are masks and all that stuff. And okay, acceptable. Now, i hear a boy throw up and left his woman the second he...
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Guys, do you believe a girl can still be pretty without makeup?

I personally dont wear makeup nor like it because it irritates my skin and only ever wore a little bit but I've been told i look beautiful naturally. Would you care if your girlfriend didn't wear makeup?
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10 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew

Here are 10 basic things that most girls wish guys knew about them. This applies to most girls, and it's for a better understanding of how a girl's mind works. So, here goes. 1. Girls Want Guys To Make The First Move...

Why do guys complain about how much makeup a girl has on?

Seriously that stuff makes us more attractive. And some of us girls just enjoy it in general, who cares how much makeup a girl has on. Its not all about seeming attractive to men though. Crazy colors and fun makeup makes...
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Why do some guys prefer plain girls to dolled up girls?

How do you feel about girls who like to doll themselves up? Long hair that's usually styled, wears makeup, gets nails done and tries to always wear new cute clothes? I would assume that most people prefer the look of...
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When do you let him see you without makeup?

Read a question a few minutes ago that reminded me of something I wanted to ask my GaG friends. Girls: So you're dating someone for six weeks or so. You do spend nights together, go out all the time. When do you ditch...
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What do guys think when they see their girlfriend without makeup?

I’ve been dating this guy for a relatively short amount of time, but as we were going swimming on a date I didn’t wear makeup. I felt surprisingly comfortable around him without makeup, even though I have acne - is...
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I'm not talking about the actual Korean Pop music, which I occasionally indulge in. I'm just talking about the idols and how anyone, mostly girls, can find them good-looking. I'm a girl myself, but it's impossible for me...
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Do guys like the girls who look natural or a girl who fixes her hair, makeup, nails,etc.

well I always see my boyfriend looking at all these girls that I think is so ugly and never looking at the girls that I think are pretty. he's always looking at girls that look like they don't really care about their...
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Girls, can a short guy be attractive if he has a nice body?

So I know that girls despise short guys but what if he happens to have a nice muscular body. I'm only 5'4 and fully grown now. After I learnt about how much girls hated short guys I began working out.. Now my body is...
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