
Search Results: foot fetish

My P. E. R. F. E. C. T Woman

From a male viewpoint, Life is so much about women and finding the 'perfect' one. With much of the focus on her look and body. I will not lie, these factors play a large role in you wanting to be with a Woman....

200th MyTake Anniversary: 200 English Words, Creating My Own “Images” For Each Of Them

This is my 200th MyTake. So to celebrate it, I will mention two hundred different English words, creating my own images for each of them. For most people, this MyTake, might appear as totally irrelevant, but this MyTake...

Things I Look Forward to About Being a Husband and Father

The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together. Men will take up arms and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of this love. There is no influence more powerful than the bond of love, especially...

The reasons you got blocked

This is not going to be long. I'm writing this short myTake because some people think I block ''casually'', when in reality is anything but. I always block with a precise reason in mind. And now I'll lay them out for...

Finding Love, and What I Think about Relationships!

This myTake is most probably going to turn into a personal rant that I am going to regret in the future. But these are just thoughts stewing and brewing in my mind and I needed to get them out, especially because I...

Why being a tall guy is great but sometimes sucks

I read a post on the pros and cons of being a tall girl but I thought I should talk about being a tall guy. I'm 194 cm or 6'4 to be exact. I've been the same height since I was 18 and haven't shrunk at all due to regular...