
Search Results: #equality

Is Quiggle Ignacio supposed to go back to "her" country?

This is what blind nationalism does. This absolutely makes no sense. Quiggle is an absolute treasure. Beautiful, kind, sexy model/nurse/actress. She gets attacked for simply going to the grocery store to get something to...
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Why Do Men Have To Pay Child Support More Often?

In some countries men have to pay child support more often. Women also are allowed to keep the child more often than men and sometimes the men aren't allowed to see them, but still have to pay child support. It rarely...
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There's no more male cheerleaders at football games?

We got female nfl referees for #equality while cutting men off of the cheerleading squads because #metoo
We got female nfl referees for #equality while cutting men off of the cheerleading squads because #metoo Show More
Noticed that too
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Why doesn't the NFL sign blind quadriplegic quarterbacks?

#Diversity #Representation #Equity #Equality
#Diversity #Representation #Equity #Equality Show More
Abelism obviously. Whenever there is disparity there is oppression.
Because they're hateful. "hiring the best person for the job" Is a white supremicist dog whistle.
All of the NFL team owners are all Trump supporters.
Climate change. Somehow the racist rain gets in their eyes which bleeds white supremecy magic into their brains.
Its caused by all of the hate words. Because you're not allowed to just be ablest. You have to be racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc.
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Why does findom and femdom women are not arrested?

There is no difference with a pimp and a femdom woman. Why prostitıtion is illegal but femdom is legal? Thats the issue men have in todays society. So we must do something for mens rights. Feminism and its supporters aim...
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Why Don't Guys Want to Pay for the First Date Anymore?

I know what you’re thinking: “Omg, again with this first date stuff. Can we PLEASE talk about something else?” This topic has been huge the past few days on this website, and has been big everywhere else for eternity....
24 112 See More

Positive and Negative Aspects of Incredible India.

Positive and negative aspects are generally an individual conception and may not be applied in general. Many aspects that may appear negative today may have served a good purpose earlier. All aspects have to be judged in...

Dear Women, Being Hit On Isn’t That Big Of A Deal

Hi. Yeah. Someone asked me after I made some mytakes shitting on silly guy behaviour to do one targeting silly female behaviour. I’m all for #equality so I figured, why not? This is a topic that is going to trigger a lot...

Modeling Companies Aren't Discriminatory

I was debating with another user one here, as she was claiming the modelling industry is racist for hiring mainly white skinny women. I couldn't express my full opinion since I was blocked, but I'd like to put my points...

The Personal and Societal Benefits of Girls Taking the Initiative With Guys in Relationships

I've been thinking about this topic, having seen many questions which dance around this idea, and today I decided to write about it. What am I talking about? This idea that men are still the initiators when it comes to...

How more than anything Americans corrupted feminism, a culture of ignorance and disgrace.

Let's start with a history lesson on #feminism. Since most people who go on about feminism know jackshit nothing about it. Are ignorant, uneducated and like automatons just repeat what they're told. How many people know...