Search Results: Do you know a form of fighting skill or self

Confessions and Revelations of a Caged Man

I'm going to tell you a story. "Here's a story, about a man named Brady, who was busy with three boys of his own..." Just kidding. "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started at...

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

I will start this Take by wishing a happy 2019 for all you GAGers! This Take is intended for all those young conservative White men who feel that they have got stuck in the "cultural war" and seem to be skeptical about...

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

The Protector What is with chivalry? Do women even need men? What are you really saying when you open the door for a woman? Give her your jacket? Help her with a heavy task, or in trouble? Offer to escort her? Pull out...

Some Martial Arts That People Have Forgotten About

After reading some books and websites about martial arts, I've noticed that there are many martial arts that people have forgotten about. Most people know about Brazilian Jiu jitsu, Karate, Boxing, Wrestling(Greco-Roman,...

The difference between Muay Thai and Muay Boran, and the effectiveness of leg kicks

Muay Boran is the original art form of Thai Boxing/Martial Art, but they were not allowed to use many of the techniques in competitive sports fighting due to the deadly nature, so the way Thailand put Muay Boran into the...

The 6 Personalities of Men: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Sigma

Good evening gentleman, I am making this post to talk about the six different forms of men. The problem with our society is that people focus heavily on Alphas and Betas that they forget and ignore the other four or just...
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Ten Things in Pokemon Games Which Would Make No Sense in the Real World

With any video game, there is fantasy aspect as opposed to reality. As such, it’s probably fair to say that no one honestly expects the epitome of realism from the franchise of a particular video game series-Especially...

How to fix The Little Mermaid to please (almost) everyone

I never thought as a child that the day would come that something as inane as The Little Mermaid would turn into a battle in the Culture War, nor that it would get this heated! But apparently, Disney lately just can't...

20 Of The Hottest Female Video Game Characters

Most, if not all guys who are gamers have admired the beauty of certain female video game characters. Here are some of those female video game characters that in my opinion are absolutely stunning. 1. Ayame A character...