Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World


I will start this Take by wishing a happy 2019 for all you GAGers!

This Take is intended for all those young conservative White men who feel that they have got stuck in the "cultural war" and seem to be skeptical about the way how things are turning out in our societies. That man who has been trying hard so long to understand what's going on, but hasn't been able to…

The Background

It is no secret that the modern society has chosen us as scapegoats. We - White men - are supposed to be blamed for everything (as if we were the only ones who have the means of action in our societies, or, even more telling, if our opinions and actions were on equal terms with the ones of the dozen people who run lobbies and have the hegemonic power on our countries' political scenario). Mainstream media is increasingly portraying us as "weak, unintelligent, cucky and immature", see 01, 02, 03. Also, there's an effort from them to exclude White men from leading roles on movies and even history. Also, We are becoming minorities in universities, which is connected to the next point: Liberals accuse us of having "privileges".

They say White men are "privileged" at the same time we have by far the highest suicide rates in the Western world, have you ever seen a Lib talking about it? And you will never see... We are living in a society characterised by declining levels of social connectedness, weakened communal institutions, and fracturing along familiar, cultural, geographic, and educational lines. Do you know why middle-aged White men are the most affected? It happens when you realize there's no future for you, because our culture of "having fun" is meaningless, the social expectations that you have to be super rich and famous are unrealistic, apathy and ausence of true virtues can make your life an insufferable hell. Having family and fighting for a good project is a future, being a money-grabber or living as a bonobo, not.

SJWs are trying to emulate a Bonobo's society. No wonder why society is failing...
SJWs are trying to emulate a Bonobo's society. No wonder why society is failing...

And how can we deal with that increasingly hostile society? How can we find a meaning for our lives?

Let me clarify something, you can't expect everything to be handed to you on a plate... You've got to make a bit of effort... As Theodore Roosevelt once said:

Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.

We have to make ourselves stronger, there's no other way indeed. We can use the hardships in our paths as a kind of training, like a weight we lift to be stronger. Being used to self-discipline is mandatory in order to make yourself stronger and able to achieve our goals, discipline yourself to have self-control, self-awareness, self-esteem, you have to learn the value of Loyalty, Courage, Prudence, Perseverance and, fundamentally, the WILL TO ACT. In this world of uncertainty, ours should be a path of discipline!

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

It means no unhealthy behaviors, no drugs, no porn, no compulsive, no guilt, no mental issues. To summarise it: no self-destructive behaviors. Either you choose to be a HONORED STRONG MAN or to be a MAN-CHILD "WHO LOVES SOME FUN".

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

A better life isn't going to be found watching television, mindlessly surfing the social medias, feeling guilty, or engaging yourself in dishonorable and degenerate behaviors. It's a cultural war, victory is a matter of honor survival, the other option is to be a forever emotional wreck and a loser.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

Family is our "batallion", life is our "war", hardships are our "battles". A soldier are not supposed to give up on fighting just because of the hardships in his path: either life and war are about facing hardships. So think about that before freezing with fear towards trivial situations (like getting rejection from a girl), take in mind that you grandfather didn't fear losing his life in a battle, so why do you fear trivial situations in your life? Also, you are supposed to set realistic goals for yourself, don't overtax yourself with unreachable goals.

We need a new elite and community

Being strong is precondition for the next step: creating a new elite and community. We should turn ourselves in positive role models for others, a new elite. How we could form it? By following all my previous advices and I'll add a new one here: being intellectually prepared. Instead of spending your time jacking off to porn movies made by "sex-positive" FEMINISTS... Why don't you look for true knowledge? Julius Evola, Aristotle, Plato, Dostoevsky, the Roman moralists, books about history or logics, just for starters. It can change your life.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

With a new elite, we can work on the next step: creating a new and healthy community. This is something that is definitely needed, taking into account that we live in a broken society.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

It seems as an exaggeration? Do you think it's normal that millions of people are on antidepressants and thousands are giving up on life right now? We should rebuild our communities, with the values of our ancestors (and I said values, not bad deeds). The societies of today can't stay much longer because nothing worth can come from their core values: materialism, hedonism, individualism, consumerism and nihilism, many men even give up on life when realize it.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

Modern values mean weak bonds with people, and it leads to depression and social retraction.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

We shall reject the values of Modern culture, which some people wrongly call as "White" culture... But materialism, hedonism, cosmopolitanism and nihilism were NEVER part of our traditional White cultures, we shall revive our roots and reject this cultural Frankenstein of modernism. We shall replace the broken modern society with new communities based on a culture of honor and excellence.

How to improve your relations with women?

By working HARD on your self-improvement. You can't imagine how much you can boost your bargaining power with a woman if you:


No excessive attention, especially on social media. No time and money for porn, which is made by "sex-positive" feminists, no e-girls, no girls who had a promiscuous past, no girls who behave in any other dishonored way in their past, no girls who have mental issues. If she had a "sexual bucket list", you'd better stay away from her, even for the sake of your health. No need to slut shame them, just make it clear that you want nothing with them.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

There's no such thing as "people change", don't fool yourself. Reject the consumerist view that says that "the more experiences, the better".

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

. Show dominance and confidence.

You can build that kind of traits if you follow my previous advices (self-discipline, self-awareness, self-esteem, strongness, vitality, pride, honor). If you haven't confidence in self, just ask yourself: how much of your time do you spend with games, porn, parties and complaints about life? Your time would be better spent if you work on your self-improvement, and the results can change your life for better!

. Make your girl feel secure in your arms and trust you.

How could you protect your girl if you are weak, anxious and no one fears you? The key here: being feared and respected, by feared I mean people around should know there are consequences for messing with you, your girl will tend to feel protected by you. That's why some girls fall for bad boys: they can protect them better than the self-proclaimed "nice" and nerdy good boys. Learn how to defend yourself, self-defense is one of your biggest goals in life. Cowardice or weakness should not be tolerated, you have to be virtuous just as much as you demand your girl to be, and you are supposed to set the example.

. Make your girl beg for you in bed.

You have to be able to please your girl in bed. The key here: confidence, mastering your skills, foreplays and healthy fantasies to spice up things, but - FOR GOD'S SAKE- *HEALTHY* fantasies, so it's imperative that you exclude any possibility of engaging yourself in degeneracy. And this is an ABSOLUTE rule.

Marriage is not a place for experimenting alternate lifestyles, especially the degenerate ones...
Marriage is not a place for experimenting alternate lifestyles, especially the degenerate ones...

If you are not confident about your skills, patience, creativity and willingness are fundamental, you can watch a sex tutorial - tutorial, not porn - to learn how to please a woman, and her pleasure should come first. Porn will not give you that lesson, it will make you insecure and prone to lose interest in women, either by loss of libido (you're conditioning yourself to a screen, not to real women) or ED.

. In order to attract a woman, you have to have at least a minimum of "game" and social skills. There's a lot of info about it on internet, so you have no excuses to suck at everything and anything. If you are a lazy and unlikable guy, don't complain about getting rejected by women.

When you have those qualities, you can set your rules and the girls who don't agree with it can only silently clench their fists. There'a difference between having standards (for example, refusing to date a girl because she had a promiscuous past or whatever) when you are an average guy and when you are a man who is respected by people around and has a good reputation on everything. Work hard on your self-improvement and your personality's flaws (if it's not bizarre) will be a non-issue for most people .

Being attractive is a bonus, it was what saved me from being shunned by women when I was a teen: I was too much antagonistic, serious, ill-tempered and associated with far-rightism at that time, I was a also really bad dancer (see? I was aware of my flaws). Although if I approached a girl, my looks usually saved me from getting rejected, but not from losing girls after some funtimes when my personality's flaws started to be unsettling for them, sometimes they went for average looking guys. So if you are "putting your money" on the idea that women care only about attractiveness and good sex, bad news for you: virtually all women put social status, PERSONALITY and even money above attractiveness and orgasms (women don't even need a man in order to get an orgasm, but it is a nice extra if you can please your girl), at least for a committed relationship.

The turning point of my life

About five years ago, I had met my wife. Immediately we get along very well, she is an upper-class (which was a disadvantage for me, I'd be considered rich in my native country, but in West' countries, after the money conversion... Well, not that great) and really pretty Swedish girl but - yeah - she was somewhat liberal and unsurprisingly naïve at that time. Despite that, things were gone so well, I decided to check her past, her personality signs (being versed on Psychology helps a lot), her social medias at that time, and didn't find anything that could embarrass me in the future, so decided to give a chance for us together. Best thing I made.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

Although I normally avoid to talk with her about politics, she always knew I'm very inclined to right-wing ideas. It's remarkable how she was changing her mind about conservatism, step by step, by her own merits all this time. Do you know why? It's because I've become the most important person in her life, if she have to choose between me and her friends, even parents and status, she will choose me, for the simple reason that I've mentioned: she is happier with me, not with them...

She won't pick fights with people over politics (which would be silly, let's be real), but she supports me and became what the Americans would call "an alt-right wife". By the way, if you wanna see women in right-wing movements, it's about time we brought those good-for-nothing misogynistic men with MGTrollish tendencies down a peg or two, and start to act aiming to win women's hearts and minds too. It's not a task for weak men, of course.

Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World

Thanks for reading!



Some Imperial advices for the young conservative White men who feel HOPELESS in this Modern World
19 Opinion