What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

The Protector

Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male,

What is with chivalry? Do women even need men?

What are you really saying when you open the door for a woman? Give her your jacket? Help her with a heavy task, or in trouble? Offer to escort her? Pull out a chair? Pay for her meal? Stand up to greet her when she walks in the room? Walk to her left on the street, closer to the car lane? Kiss her hand? Do any of that "knightly stuff" we all saw in movies? That stuff that women fawn over, but claim offends them? Why?

Well, you're saying: I will protect you. As a woman you have an inherent value and I am putting your life and your comfort before my own. You're saying I am ready and capable of protecting you. You're telling her you can provide for her needs and you're putting her under your care. I respect you as a woman and I respect your femininity and it's role in my life. I respect what you mean for our society and I respect all the virtues you adopted as a woman in order to accommodate me, a man. (Which I grant you loses all meaning if said woman has no femininity to speak of.)

Chivalry is not "politeness". It's not "just a ritual". Chivalry is an agreed upon expression of appreciation of gender differences. Something that always existed in one form or another. The woman accepting all those things from a man, showing graceful gratitude and reciprocating with politeness and respect-filled attention in turn, is in her own way showing appreciation of the man's masculinity.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)
So where did all this come from?

Number of humans always depended on the number of women. Women can mostly mother a single child every year, while an enthusiastic man could, in theory, father hundreds of children in a year. This is the basis of her "biological value". This is the basis of a man's respect for her life before his own. This is the basis of her willingness to die for a child, but desire to have a man who would die for her.

It is instinctively understood that men will fill the boats with women and children when the Titanic starts to sink, while they as a group, without much debate, agree to die that day.

It is instinctively understood that he has to get his ass out of bed, get a bat/gun and go downstairs because she "heard something".

It is instinctively understood that a man, handed a white feather by a woman on the streets of WW1 Britain, is to feel ashamed. Much more ashamed than he'd have felt, had the same feather come from a man.

This is what women want. It's not about your big muscles, or about your "alphaness", it's not about your kill count on COD, or whatever men think makes them a protector in a woman's eyes after leaving a cock fight.

It's about showing her first and foremost, that you will protect her. By caring for her health and safety even if it means opposing her to ensure it. Everything from random chivalry you find acceptable, up to taking a bullet for her is designed to do that. To up your value in her eyes. To make her yours.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)
It seems so obvious I should not bother writing it, but I do have to. Feminism made sure I have to.

Because feminism thought women to harbour a thousand contradictions in their minds. It shamed them away from their biological urges and made them balance these ideas out, to in the end be able to make demands like: "Treat me like a lady, but fuck you if you think I can't open my own door!"

So, now what? You provide for us, you die for us and all we have to do is have a vagina?

Well... :/

The Leader
What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

50 Shades Of Grey Sold More Than Harry Potter!? WHAT?!

When entering a romantic relationship it is, as previously mentioned, desired for women to have access to your resources and to hold your life in our hands. Men, whether they plan on it, or not, become responsible for women's lives. It's a biological program that we women needed you to have.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)
In a feminist society next to a "strong independent woman who don't need no man" I'm afraid that's a pretty shitty deal. Wouldn't you agree?

Normally, in exchange for provision and a shield that is a man's life, the woman makes a trade offering something in return: her freedom.

Using logic, experience and plain common sense, one easily realises that, when one person is responsible for the life of another, with that responsibility comes authority (i.e righteously utilised power). More burden and possible blame you take on for whatever happens to beings you're responsible for, more authority you should hold over them. NOT to manipulate them, NOT to abuse them, but to serve them, actually be able to protect them and bring benefit to everyone involved.



What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

That's why.

The purpose of authority...

No human group (2 or more people) can smoothly function without a leader, hierarchy and accordingly distributed authority.

  • No country can run without a president, without a centralised government. No school can run without a principal, no police force can run without a sheriff. No traffic can run without a cop. No hotel can run without a manager. No fight can run without a referee. No childhood can run without a parent.

Authority is there to create order. To organise the human group into a unit that can function to it's best capacity. It's there to serve and protect.

The president serves the country by taking responsibility for it's workings and development. The principal serves the school by taking responsibility for it's success and reputation. A cop serves the people by taking responsibility for their safety. The sheriff serves his men by taking responsibility for their actions. The manager serves the guests and takes responsibility for order and their comfort. The referee serves the fighters and takes responsibility for their lives and the fairness of the game. The parent serves the child by taking responsibility for their survival, care and education.

Finally, how is authority achieved?

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)
Trough direction/instruction, reward and punishment.

  • Giving direction requires the person in charge to know how to express themselves. To do so with assertiveness, clarity, directness, comfort and honesty. This is the "charisma" that supposedly decorates the "alpha male". This is that confidence. Nothing more but learning to convey what you really think, and accompany it with a tone and body language that shows how you really feel. Learning to open up and NOT apologise for your thoughts and feelings. Learning to be DEMANDING. Learning to INFLUENCE people. (The opposite of this is a nervous, monotone, shy guy no one listens to.)

  • Giving reward establishes your authority. It lets the other person know why they should follow your lead and it promotes good behavior you are aiming for. The reward is also given with good/open/clear expression as commendation, as physical affection, rewards/gifts, in the form of your protection and care, etc. It is vital to reward people properly and regularly in order to connect and establish functional relationships, and to be seen as loving towards them.

  • Punishing people implies expression meant to stop bad/unwanted behavior. Just like you influence/control behavior with reward, you do so with punishment. This is vital and unavoidable. Being able to provide proper punishment to maintain order is what will cause people to respect you much more deeply, than being able to shower them with praise will. Punishing can be delivered verbally (insult, rejection, disagreement), by ignoring, excluding (firing, breaking up, putting in jail), by taking away reward, by providing appropriate physical force (police taser, bodyguard beatdown, slap to the face of a crazy, but small person), etc. Punishment can be as formal as firing a worker, or subtle as disagreeing with a claim of another person in your company.

Same applies to relationships.

How and when feminists convinced us "compromise" is a good idea for a romantic relationships, I don't know, but just looking at a stereotypical marriage today, it's blatantly obvious why it doesn't work, causing more and more children to grow up in dysfunctional homes, or simply fatherless.

  • It creates a strain on both partners due to a constant power struggle resulting in fighting, avoidance, or resentful, passive aggresive "compliance" of one partner at times to the other.
    What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

  • It destroys romance, intimacy, trust and eventually sexual attraction because it undermines a man's masculine role and its expression causing the woman to think of him as pathetic and useless, forcing her to feel insecure, depressed, and requires the woman to renounce all feminine alure and virtue (but her beauty) in turn making the man to see her as an aggressive, evil, nagging bitch who only had sex with him to trick him into marrying her.

  • It destroys order in the household when both parents attempt to stear the wheel. You're more likely to end up in a ditch than at either one of your desired destinations.

Finding someone to marry should not be a needle in a haystack type of deal. Families should not be breaking left and right. Relationships should not be reduced to sex. Romance should not be defined by restaurants, chocolates and flowers.

A man's authority and female submission are basis of all romance in relationships. They require both to connect to one another, tie their lives into one, trust one another and work together as a union.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

Next to a man able to control the relationship/exert authority and not compromise it, or have it taken away from him, women open up emotionally. This is how women fall in love...

Just like a man was programmed to accomodate her, she did the same to accomodate him. Authority enables the man to adjust the woman to himself and make sure his needs are met, just like he will aim to meet her needs.

Women find comfort, safety and emotional care they need so much under a man's authority. Left to her own devices, with her partner "not caring what she does because she's independent" a woman will easily fall into traps of her own insecurity feeling unloved, or simply detach from him and turn her attention to another. (This is why those "independent alpha males" suck and lose relationships as well. There is no independence in love. You either do it right, or you endure the bullshit you created)

Today, the closest to thing we can find to this, is a marginalised group of practitioners expressing their desires under an abbrevation: BDSM. That's what feminism did to romantic relationships. To desires of the majority of heterosexual men and women. It reduced them to "a fetish". It reduced them to something shamefull and marginal. Something people are only allowed to admit they are "into" if they also accept how "weird" and "uncommon" they are.

And even then some feminist cunt will protest.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

Worst part of all this is that BDSM always had it's place in society and while it use to ACTUALLY encompass only few people with "extreme tastes", today it can be easily practiced by 90% of people because it implies all I described above as well as the "extreme version".

This is the reason why 50 Shades Of Grey sells despite its main character being as bland as a wall, whiny and annoying and a "rare" BDSM practitioner. Despite the plot being boring as fuck, despite the female character being a stupid goat.

It sells because on it's surface, it touches all female desires without missing a single one. Its sells because of evolution. (I swear if the book wasn't so retarded, I'd think E.L. James was some kind of genious manipulator.)

Finally, closing explanations...

Why nice guys SUCK. Why bad boys SUCK.
What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

Nice guys simply lack authority because they only know how to reward. They aren't even rewarding, they are kissing ass. They are submitting by offering their efforts (protection and provision) unconditionally. They are useless teddy bears unable to provide any kind of structure in a woman's life. Presenting themselves as mere tools to be used, instead of men to be respected. Nice guys suck because they don't lead, they ask for permission, they "play cool" and they end up the friendzone.

So how do they EVER get laid you ask?

Because bad boys suck even more. Bad boys don't understand authority. They are self centered sociopaths who control women (thus attracting them), but only for their own selfish interest. They have no empathy and they ruin everything they touch. After they crush a girl, she happily settles for the nice guy doormat, convinced that her desire for male authority is just a masochistic sickeness she must deny at all costs for the rest of her life, because it can't bring her anything but pain.

And she's right.

In a society where the idea that leadership belongs to men is an offensive "patriarchal conspiracy", what chance does she have at encountering kind, functional male authority?


  • Women do have skill and knowledge to keep going without men (to a degree). Rare female exceptions are even on par with the best of men, but women in general have functioned as a back up system for lack of male workforce, developed strenght in their own way, have exchanged genes with men all our history... Still, that does not refute assertions of male superior skill ON AVERAGE, or desired, most functional roles I described in this Take.

  • Not all people are the same. Not everyone has had the appropriate sex hormones and brain curcuitry in order to come out as the womb as the potential representative of their gender. You may be transgender, butch, effeminate, gay, whatever... It's your biology. This however does not mean what I said is not true for the majority of people, nor does it mean they should apologise to you for belonging to the majority. We accept and respect you, do the same for us. We're not calling for banning of "fags" and "dykes" in public life, so you ought to stop bitching about "heteronarmitivity".

  • This will be hard to accept if you're a biologically regular member of your gender raised to completely disrespect and resent all idea of masculinity/femininity because of feminism. Your identity as an aggressive feminist bitch, or an effeminate nice guy will suffer a blow. Please try to keep the butthurt raging to a minimum. Thank you.

The fact that there are so many people apologising for their biology, yet feminists still feel offended by "patriarchy" should serve as another proof of what I'm claiming. If this was societal influence, it would not be a problem today. Feminists run the our culture, laws, all ideas of proriety. They are fighting biology and sooner we face it, sooner we can hope to fix it.

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)
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