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Videos: Society & Politics

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Why are even Biden's "handlers" quitting?

He has become too schizoid apparently.
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What is happening to cities that take in migrants?

Here is what is happening in some American cities who take in migrants.
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Americans only! Would you vote to make English the official language in America? I can't find the video of Mike saying this, but during the Democratic debates, he was the ONLY person with the guts to vote for English being the official language of the USA. The...
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Conservatives: Who's your pick to be Trump's Veep?

I mentioned the other day that Greg Abbott is one of my heroes. He's hell bent on protecting Texans from the incompetent clown in the oval office. If that means taking on the federal government, so be it. Bring it. One...
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Does Biden allow human trafficking and the sex trade of illegal immigrant women?

You decide for yourself.
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What do you think of this rap that denounces the place our phones and social networks have taken in our modern lives?

It is with lightness, and by trying to speak about this subject in a comical way, that he denounces this aspect of our modern lives.
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Men, tell me your "Barbie" speech equivalent about what it means to be a man, or write your own Billie Eilish "What Was I Made For"?

In 2023, Barbie became a phenomenon. Greta Gerwig's speech about what it means to be a woman touched women around the globe. She gave voice to what many have felt but couldn't find the words to express. But to be fair, it...
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Is Biden backed into a corner by the special report? Which direction should he take? This video is but a sliver of the Senate hearing involving the special counsel appointed to investigate Biden and the classified documents in his possession. I encourage anyone...
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Should Biden become President of Ukraine?

Our President seems to care more for Ukraine than our own country. He keeps sending $Billions to Ukraine, to the oligarchs, and nothing to defend OUR borders. Do you think Tucker Carlson has Biden dead to rights? (DEAD TO...
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Are they trying to destroy America from within?

"If they can get the children, they have everyone." This is the start of every change they want. Influence the children and teach them a new Agenda. Teach them Socialism and when they grow up that is what they will...
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What do you think about the human-animal hybrids which could live amongst us one-day?

The research is underway, scientists are merging human DNA with animal DNA to create human-animal hybrids. Japan has already removed it's laws preventing such experiments so it and many other other countries which have no...
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