Conservatives: Who's your pick to be Trump's Veep?

Conservatives: Whos your pick to be Trumps Veep?

I mentioned the other day that Greg Abbott is one of my heroes. He's hell bent on protecting Texans from the incompetent clown in the oval office. If that means taking on the federal government, so be it. Bring it. One thing you will never hear from Trump or his Veep, is: "I'm sorry, but 'they' said I'm not allowed to answer questions. But even if 'they' allowed me to answer questions, they would give me a list of people that 'they' would allow me to call on."

Conservatives: Whos your pick to be Trumps Veep?

My only worry about Greg, is, liberals are all about the color of your skin. That's all they care about. So even though Greg could do great things for America, his skin color would be a detriment for him. White liberals hate white people. It's just a thing.

So my pick is Candace Owens. We've all seen what white liberals do to blacks that refuse to stay on their plantations, but Candy could easily handle that.

Conservatives: Whos your pick to be Trumps Veep?

I would pay BIG bucks to watch Candy go up against Kamala in a debate. Can you even imagine? Candy would mop the floor with that clown. My conservative friends, you MUST watch this very short video clip of Candy in action. One of the alphabet warriors tried to verbally attack her on a college campus. Candy's response was so hilarious. It went viral. Notice that there are probably conservatives, liberals and moderates in the audience. Candy didn't get a standing ovation, but she very well should have. They all loved her answer, because this shit is getting old.

Anyway, what say you? Who's your Veep choice?

Conservatives: Who's your pick to be Trump's Veep?
13 Opinion