Disaster and destruction in Chicago, what are your thoughts?

Breaking news... over the last several years, thousands of Chicagoans have been murdered. Holly cra!, who knew? A lot of it is gang...

Some reporters have a pair of balls - while some dont even have a pair - why is that?

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/brit-hume-biden-speech_n_65322e79e4b00cb3c696ea0a Huh? Fox News Analyst Goes Off Script With Rave...

U. n. peace force in Lebanon prefers hezbolla terrorism, so allowed h. shot 20 more dangerous rockets into israel TODAY. are you okay with that?

the assignment of u. n. unifil is supposedly peace keeping, in Lebanon to separate hezbolla from israel but they are not stopping...

Has it come to this where when you dont get what you want you threaten other peoples pathetic lives in order to get there?


Now that Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty to lying about Trump's bogus election claims, now what?


Are Swifties going to put up with this nonsense?

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/taylor-swift-witchcraft-maga-kandiss-tayl_n_65314f04e4b03b213b092202 Former MAGA Candidate Accuses...

Can you say the Trump Chump Train has derailed?

https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-town-pay-175-000-191548234.html Texas town to pay $175,000 to Democrats after 'Trump Train' highway...

Well GAG couldn't handle the comparison , sums it up question down , what does this prove?

Yes, I posted a comparison meme and GAG took it down. This is why I can't post facts proving my points here because GAG can'r allow the...
1 2

Guys, Do American women like Boy kids in your opinion?

I see that American women always tell boys that girls are better than them, and try to feminize the boys as best as they can. If I were...

Do White People have a “culture”?

I look at Indigenous cultures of the past that they keep alive, really interesting. I toured the Caribbean and African cultures that...
2 22

Is Trans a mental health issue, and what should be done?

I mean, gender dysphoria does sound like a mental illness. But not one that needs to be fought. Treatment can be letting them be themselves.
3 16

Do you think it's true that men are more logical than women?

Explain your answers please.
1 8

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