
Relationship: Single

Works in: Student

Yeah, I'm 14. Look at my MHO. I'm actually good at giving advice haha

I enjoy singing, acting, drawing, and basically anything and everything artistic. I also have a passion for biology.

Message me! I love chatting with people!

Oh, and please don't try to flirt with me if you are over 16 years old. It's just pedophilic and weird. I've had enough 50 year old perverts trying to get with me. So if those are your plans, BYE.

That said, I really enjoy helping people. If you want advice, message me. I'd be glad to help you!

I'm a GirlsAskGuys EDITOR meaning that I write helpful myTakes. Check out the myTakes that I write. I hope to have written something that will help you!


Is your profile picture of you?


Is your cover photo of you?


Are you really 14?


From: United States

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15 myTakesShared
277 OpinionsAdded

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