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+1 y

Is 5"7 too small for a guys height?

No. Girls will find taller guys more attractive and if it was 50/50 between the tall one and the short one she would probably pick the tall one but you can not say you won't get someone. Just go... Other

+1 y

Opinions on this plus model confronting her fat shamer?

That guy was a total jerk. I don't really get plus-models but treating someone like that is never justified and it is a lesson to us all to watch how we react to people in public, even if we think... Trending & News

+1 y

Would you get a matching tattoo with your partner/so?

I think tattoos are more of a guy's thing... Relationships

+1 y

Guys, Smart girls - is it a turn off?

Smart girls are more intellectually fun. Of course you are going to want someone who can hold an interesting conversation! And if she has quirks, that is even better. Dating

+1 y

Do you have higher standards for looks or personalities?

I like good looks a lot, what man doesn't? But I am very specific about what kind of personality I need and if I were faced with a very dead-beat, boring girl that did not say much, or was totally... Relationships

+1 y

Does it bother you when people shove their relationship in your face?

I don't really care and it depends on how they are doing it. I personally find it slightly funny. :D Relationships

+1 y

Girlfriend wets the bed?

That is really sad. It is great you are not judging her for it, that is wonderful, people do have issues and it can be embarrassing but it is up to her to do something about it. She needs to start... Relationships

+1 y

I'm not sure if I'm happy in my marriage?

A marriage is about teamwork. If you two are not working together and putting the other first then things are going to fall apart. You are the one that raised the issue, you start and advise him... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

What if a girl eats a lot on the very first date?

I would be happy that she was comfortable being herself around me. I think it would be cute if she was hungry and as a food lover myself, we would have lots to talk about. Obviously, if she is... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What's your Leprechaun name?

Shillelagh O Wobbles. Other

+1 y

Guys, do you prefer a shy, quiet, cute and sweet girl or a adventures, fun, outgoing and savage girl?

It is honestly 50/50 , please do not get upset if you are one and not the other. Sweet ones make guys feel all warm and protective inside and like the girl is their cute, precious, little dolly... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Woman who left her two kids in a hot car overnight on purpose only facing two years jail time, thoughts?

That is absolutely disgusting. You can not believe everything you read, the media doctor things up a bit but if everything they say is true, then she should get way, way, way longer. Trending & News

+1 y

How do guys feel about Girls buying expensive handbags: Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gyvenchy, etc.?

I immediately start calculating in my head what kind of fun holiday could be bought with the same money. If it makes her happy, then whatever but I am not going to judge her if she does not have... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Guys, which Vintage Beauty Icon would you rather go on a date with?

Audrey Hepburn! Although Monroe would be great too. You have forgotten Katherine Hepburn, Sophia Loren, and Grace Kelly! Dating

+1 y

Guys, what color of lipstick to you is most attractive on a woman?

Red! It makes their lips look like a beautiful rose. :) Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What religion should I be part of?

I know exactly what you should do, I know many who have gone through the same thing, many find the same religion, and it is growing like wildfire. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Anyone else disgusted by grapefruit?

I love it. There was this winter where I ate 1 whole grapefruit a day. I drink the juice often. Food & Beverage

+1 y

My girl cousin saw me naked?

that is awkward. Just act like it did not happen and if she brings it up, laugh and say that you are sorry there was no lock and then talk about something else. It is not terrible. I have a... Family & Friends

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