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+1 y

I Still Live in a State Where Religious Laws Are Enforced

I live in a state that still has blue laws, but interestingly allows alcohol sales on Sundays, after noon. No retail establishments can be open before noon. There are exceptions for pharmacies,... Society & Politics

+1 y

Where Old Statues Go To Die

Other than the statue destroyed by protesters last week, all of the confederate statues that have been removed still exist, most in storage awaiting a new home. This home will likely be a museum... Travel

+1 y

Man Up: Boys Shouldn't Cry And Real Men Don't Cry

Thank you for this. I was brought up in this way- men don't cry, men don't ask for help, men buck up and deal with it on their own. I'm getting better at recognizing my emotions, and thankfully I... Society & Politics

+1 y

Changing my Western Worldview Helped me Stop the Objectification of Women

I think it's impossible to interact with anyone without that person becoming a means to an end. However in your example of the pizza delivery person, that delivery person is also indirectly using... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do I Need To Understand It?

I wish more people approached life like this. Respecting other people even if you can't understand them is one of the highest virtues a person can have in my opinion. As a friend to a couple of... Society & Politics

+1 y

Hillary Duff Body Shamed For Wearing a Swimsuit!

As a nudist, I'll never understand why anyone would shame someone for their appearance. You're their to enjoy the beach, and you'd enjoy the beach a lot more if you weren't judging everyone else.... Trending & News

+1 y

Why I Will NEVER Become a Teacher!

I work with high school students in an extra curricular program. It's rewarding to see them mature over those four years into young adults, and hopefully I have a positive impact on at least a... Education & Career

+1 y

Things I Do That Are Hindering Me From Being Truly Happy

I think everyone goes through these three things to varying extents. I know I did. The easiest one for me to conquer (well... partially at least) was your number three. Its much easier to accept... Other

+1 y

Why Trans Activism is Actually Perpetuating Gender Roles in Our Society

While I see your point about transgender individuals migrating towards stereotypical gender identifiers - long hair for women, short hair for men, etc. I would argue that they are doing so not to... Society & Politics

+1 y

16 Beard Styles That Men Can Try

I'm rocking a beard somewhere between #1 and #5 Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

5 Tips on Getting a Girl to Spend the Night

Have a liner in the bathroom trash can, and make sure its more or less empty. Have some snacks available- even if it is a bag of trail mix or some popcorn- something to soak up any alcohol will be... Dating

+1 y

No, You Can't Check My Phone.

My phone knows when it's "home" and stays unlocked. Same with my wife's. The only time I've taken advantage of that is to call my own phone to find it. I don't worry about what might be on there.... Relationships

+1 y

What A Man's Underwear Says About Him

I used to be a boxers guy. Thought I would never switch, but I started riding my bike to work and the boxers would ride up like mad and did nothing to keep my junk from getting beat up by the bike... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is Dani Mathers The Worst Thing to Happen to Women?

I'm a nudist. I understand that not everyone has a "playboy" body or anything even close. That's not the point. Shaming someone who was comfortable enough to sauna and shower nude at the gym... Trending & News

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