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+1 y

How many kids do you want?

2 of my own. I want to adopt more than that though. Maybe a total of 5. Or I might foster kids. Family & Friends

+1 y

I haven’t slept in 24 hours, and I still can’t sleep, I can’t shut my mind off due to just a lot of stressful things with my family? What helps sleep?

If you want someone to talk to I am always here to listen. I've gone 3 days with no sleep before. It's difficult, I know. Just take life one day at a time. Focus on one problem at a time.... Other

+1 y

Is it bad that I don't like my boyfriend's friends?

I don't care for my guy's friends so much either, but it's his choice. I haven't said anything to him. They're ok, mostly hookah/weed smokers. If he grows out of them then cool. If not, and... Relationships

+1 y

Why doesn't my crush watch my snapchat stories?

Erm I almost never watch stories. sometimes I'll ad to my story but I really don't care, I don't even watch my boyrfriends story. I guess I'm a terrible girlfriend Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Help! He hasn't texted me in 3 days what should I do?

I'm going through the same thing with my date. Very caring when we're together. Almost never texts me first though, so I send him a text a day if he doesn't respond, if it goes more then 2 or 3... Relationships

+1 y

People on Facebook and their babies, how mad do they make you?

I'm facebook friends with someone from school. never really met her in real life. Don't talk to her. she's just had a baby and she's 16. Posts all kind of pics of her and baby, fills up newsfeeds,... Technology & Internet

+1 y

What are your thoughts on Lauren Southern?

I don't know her but I think this Lauren is pretty cool (me) Society & Politics

+1 y

Kiss, Marry, Kill (for girls)?

Marry sam, kiss the last guy, then kill dean because those two always come back to life so I could kiss him after he comes back. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How would you go from one city to another?

if you're leaving in mid night, it sounds like you're trying to run away. I'd try an uber if you have them where you live, or a taxi, pay cash only if you are trying to hide from someone. Travel

+1 y

Why do guys like boring girls?

I was that boring girl always on her phone in class.. Just over school at that point. I was also the smartest in my classes, except in math lol. Maybe get to know her and be less judgmental. The... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Would you rather catch your parents having sex or them catch you having sex?

My parents still think I'm a virgin.. I'm here so I know they aren't lol Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you prefer multitasking or concentrating on one thing at a time?

I'm very good at multitasking, especially at work. At work I can work drive through by myself. This includes taking orders at the same time as cashing people's orders out, half the time I'm... Other

+1 y

Ideal height for a girl?

I'm 5'1. How about we meet in the middle, I'll take 4 of your inches, so you'll be 5'6 and I'll be 5'5? Fashion & Beauty

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