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+1 y

Opinions on mandala tattoos?

they are very beautiful! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you feel vulnerable or comfortable wen taking your clothes off/ roaming around naked?

I normally prefer keeping them on. not that I'm insecure. I just feel weirded out if I'm roaming around in the nude. Other

+1 y

Why is blue cheese so disgusting?

I like it, but it is gross looking. probably because its literally moldy lol Other

+1 y

New Dating App:, thoughts?

no matter how the person looks or how they'd act towards me, i'd never wanna date or marry an inmate. too scared to haha XD Dating

+1 y

Girls, would you date a guy who regularly wore a suit, gloves, top hat, bow tie and a monocle?

he's too fancy and sophisticated for me. i'm nowhere near fancy and sophisticated and wanna stay like that XD Dating

+1 y

What do you love about yourself?

I love how I tough my way through stressful situations. how I have total empathy for others and that I don't judge and willing to help anyone who needs it. Valentine's Day

+1 y

What your thoughts on the glee actor suicide?

ugh I couldn't stand glee... but suicide either way is sad. although if he were still alive he would probably be stuck in jail Trending & News

+1 y

Best comfort food?

for a long time it was hot wings, but then I dealt with a breakup and ice cream turned into my comfort food haha Food & Beverage

+1 y

Wiping grease off pizza with napkins— yay or nay?

only the extra greasy. I don't want that slice slipping out my hands when I pick it up lol Food & Beverage

+1 y

How to say "I LOVE YOU" in your Language?

English was my first language but half of my family is Hispanic, so in their language its Te quiero (I think, lol I'm not always good with Spanish) Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Do you believe in magic and the supernatural?

i do! I'm wiccan, so I've worked with benevolent magic before (healing, protection, etc..) ever since I was little I've seen, heard, and have sometimes even interacted with spirits. its all real man. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Would you visit the Icelandic penis museum?

i like the odd and weird but this? *facepalm* omg XD Education & Career

+1 y

Does religion poison everything?

religion is only poisonous when it seeks to take control and forces others to be involved in it, instead of letting the people decide for themselves. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

I was once a sinner... will God ever forgive me?

i am personally not a Christian, but I have a lot of family that is. so I do respect the religion. i think that higher power (god) is all loving, and could forgive you, especially if you ask from... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Could God be a woman?

in my beliefs, higher power comes from both male and female aspects. so really "god" is both Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

If you were 80 years old, what would you tell your children?

be kind to others, cause whatever you do comes back to you. be kind but don't care about what haters think of you. last but not least... know good music * painfully tries to put hand in devil... Other

+1 y

What religion do you follow?

really mine isn't in the poll. Wiccan here :) Religion & Spirituality

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