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+1 y

Thoughts on using emojis?

I'm excessive with emojis. I just feel like people will think I'm rude if I don't add a :p to the end or in the middle or both of all my sentences. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Are violin hips or hip dips ugly?

no offense but ya kinda Other

+1 y

What is wicca? The wiccan religion?

As I've said before if you know nothing about a Wicca, like with any religion, you can't just sum up all their beliefs and have it be complete. If you'd like to learn about deities please look... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

I'm 5'3 and 136.6 pounds am I fat?

fat? no but maybe a little chubby, I'm 5'2 and 125 pounds give or take and I'm a bit chubby Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How much time do you spend online every week?

ummm 35 hours is more than the amount of hours in a day and would imply one never sleeps... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why should I use this app when there is Quora?

why use this when there is yahoo answers? I dunno, why not? Technology & Internet

+1 y

Which of these ice-cream flavours sounds yummiest to you?

First one as it is closest to my favourite ice cream flavour of all time, chocolate chip mint fudge Food & Beverage

+1 y

Should EA make Sims has adult content?

Girl I got the sims 3. How do you get all that cool stuff? Technology & Internet

+1 y

GUYS: Is full bangs a turn off or a turn on for you?

It totally depends on the girls face shape and the rest of the hair cut. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

If aliens are real, did God create them? Why arn't they mentioned in the bible?

I don't believe in the Christian God. I don't think they are mentioned in the bible because I think it was created by man with no input of a deity. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

shitty growing up but since I've moved out it is getting better Family & Friends

+1 y

Is the punishment of a eternal hell fire of the evil unreasonable to you?

I don't believe in hell... I think all souls return to the universal energy source regardless Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Ladies, would you prefer being a housewife or a working wife/mother?

I plan on being a stay at home mom and running my own government approved daycare Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Who do girls prefer country boys or city boys?

country or small town/village. :p Relationships

+1 y

Theists, what's your thoughts about the Problem Of Evil?

I think the universal energy source is good and everyone and everything has a piece of the universal energy source in them so all things are born as good and nothing can be completely evil because... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Girls, would you accept a househusband?

I want to be a housewife but if it wasn't for that then yes I would totally be okay with that as long as the bills could be paid Society & Politics

+1 y

What do y'all think about religion?

I think it can be great as long as you don't believe your religion is the only right religious path and as long as you don't shove it down peoples throat. Religion & Spirituality

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