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Videos: Fashion & Beauty

Do you think the phrase, "Men age like wine, and Women age like spoiled milk" is true?

Here is a video explaining what the term means If you think that is it true, then explain why :) I would like to hear :)
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What do you usually spend on a pair of shoes?

For me, it depends on the brand. If its Nike, i’ll spend $80-200 easily. My air force 1s are usually $120 anyways. If its Jordan, I’ll spend $120-280 easily. But their shoes are too narrow in my opinion. If its converse,...
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Do you consider these people weird?

If you could would you like to have any of these people's weird characteristics?
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Is Barbara Palvin or Jessica Alba prettier in your opinion?
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Is Doja Cat one of the sexiest women alive right now?

she's the one in the rainbow outfit. but you have to skip the intro SKIP THE INTRO... and wtach the whole video.
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Guys, how tall do you like your women? Girls, how tall would you prefer to be?

I never cared to be a model, but I would’ve loved to have that model height of like 5’10+. However, 5’5-5’7 was my dream height. But I’m managing as a 5’2 and a halfer 🤣 #FeelFreeToList...
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Why are Miss Georgia’s sisters so beautiful? They’re all so young and they look like dolls. I’m obsessed. They look so rich lol.
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Why do men and women rate attractiveness so differently? I don't think these women rated themselves by their personality, they barely talked to each other. Tbh I didn't think anyone was particularly more attractive than the rest but...
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Do you think he looked better before or after?

I mean he was CUTE before but that After, good lawd i neeeeeeed it 🤣😍😭👌🙌 I haven't fangirled over him in a long time but i remember I used to pretend i was Becky G just so i could have him haha #FeelFreeToList...
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Girls, Do you love messy bun hairstyles?

I love to style long hair and messy buns are my favorites. Here are some stylish ideas that I have tried with hair weave from Indique hair and it looks so amazing like no one could ever tell that it's not my real hair....
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Do you like Brown Eyed Girls?

I do not have brown eyes, mine are blue, but I have so many girlfriends who have the prettiest brown eyes and light, or dark, brown hair, they are so gorgeous! I was just wondering if anyone else loves brown eyed...
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Do you think foot wear for females should be completely banned by law ( at least in countries where the climates allow) ?

I heard of a law like this in Rajashtan, India, in a city ' s town square. The females crossing it must remove whatever they wear on their feet ( usually slippers ). It is said it comes from a time when men used to hold...
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Why Do You Think the Girls in the Body Positivity & Self Love TikToks Wear "Revealing" Clothes?

The message almost seems to be you can only feel confident if you wear a bathing suit or exercise clothes, and I don't believe that. :D
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The Fight That Changed Fashion

In late 2004, in a basketball game between the Indiana Pacers and the defending champion Detroit Pistons, a major fight broke out between both the players and the fans in what would later come to be known as "The Malice...

Do you allow guests to wear shoes in your house?

I dont see the big deal. If they walked through mud or something before entering, then i understand why you’d make them take shoes off at the door. Other than that, please wear your shoes if you come over to my house. I...
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Curly haired Gaggers!

Hey all! So today I learned about the answer to my frizzy, wavy, gross hair! I wanted to share with anyone else with the same problem! I think this method will work with any type curls and texture. I myself have fine hair...