Polls: Girl's Behavior
Girls, Is there any way to do this that doesn't come across as creepy as fuck?
I'm incredibly touch starved to the point it's fucking with my head and making me consider "Damaging" myself. Some nights I cry myself to sleep. I've given up dating, but I just want touch, all I want is a hug that's it....
Why do some people think being a SAHM is easy?
I've had lots of guys say they could do my job with ease. Like wtf these guys wouldn't even qualify for my job 🙄 there is no way they could stay home and MILF all day like I do! Imagine having to be a hot baddie and...
Girls how do you feel about sitting in your guys lap?
A different topic made me think about this. Personally I like it, I used to think it wasn’t appropriate in every situation, but now I think it is fine, even w his hand on my waist or hip or thigh area for support, if it’s...
Girls, do you prefer male or female gynecologist?
Do you prefer your gynecologist to be a man, or a woman, and why?
Ladies, how would you feel if you just started a new relationship and your S/O can't stop being playful and?
then tells you something like " let's cherish these moments, cause our honeymoon stage won't last that long"? as pessimistic as this sounds this is the brutal truth. obviously anyone who's been in a relationship knows...
Guys - Have you ever had girls physically fight over you? Girls - Have you ever fought over a guy?
I've seen it in movies / tv shows, but not very often in real life. I'm wondering if this happens sometimes - Two girls or two sisters fight over a guy they both like?
The last 8 women I've genuinely been romantic interested were born in the summer. Is this a coincidence or is there more to it?
What do you think? If there is more to it, please explain.
Is Parental Nudity OK?
I'm just curious what people think about parents being naked (non-sexual) around their kids and their kids only. I was talking with a coworker yesterday and she was telling me that her kids see her naked all the time....
Girls, If you suspect a guy you aren’t interested likes you, are you more or less likely to look at him to see if he’s staring?
- you think he likes you - you aren’t interested in him that way
Girls, Do you like being a female or would you rather be born a man if you had the chance?
According to your answer explain the reason, please.
Girls, Are you a girly girl or tomboy?
If you are not completely a tomboy or girly girl then the question is are you closer to girly girl or tomboy?
Guys, have you ever been catcalled by girls? Girls, have you ever catcalled a guy?
I know it's usually vice versa, but still, some girls do that.