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+1 y

Why would you act uninterested when a guy asks you out but tell your best friend that you really like this guy?

You're seriously way over thinking this. Some people... Like myself... Just don't always follow through with plans or getting back to people. My reasoning is I'm very busy and am always pulled in... Dating

+1 y

Is this true women themselves are the reason for getting beaten up by their men?

@shan_shan there are women who instigate. And there are some men who use their woman's behavior as an excuse to be aggressive. But not every circumstance of abuse is caused by the woman herself.... Relationships

+1 y

Ever been in a relationship, but still feel empty like something's missing?

I believe when people feel unfulfilled in a relationship whether it lacks physical, emotional or mental connections, they eventually get to a place where they realize as much as they love the... Dating

+1 y

Is he being genuine about how he feels or is it just an excuse to say I’m not interested?

@cherrelle this snip it seems legit that he just wants to slow it down a bit. Maybe he really likes you and it's getting too real too quick. Good for him for regonzing he needs to slow it down.... Dating

+1 y

I abused my girlfriend she broke up with me?

@ Asker abuse in any form is not okay, and clearly you are not mature enough to be in a relationship. If you are jealous of your girlfriend speaking to your own brother, will you be jealous of her... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My boyfriend lied to me about how many girls he slept with?

Ok, my opinion why he blew up, cause it's annoying and frustrating. I would be highly annoyed if someone asked me again and again. My thought on asking a number, not a question one should ask you... Relationships

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