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Do you think gag should limit the use of anonymous?
Yes. It should still be available, but its use should be more limited. G@G Community
How long did it take you to get over your ex?
He's already proposed to someone else? Holidays
As of New Year, did you make any changes to your gag settings?
Nope. Just made my usual changes to my profile. Holidays
Happy new year my fellow GAGERS💋, what is the plan for you tonight?
I spent the day putting up tile in our bathroom (doing massive renovations). Holidays
Happy New Year! What are some big things you've got planned for 2025?
The main thing I want to get done is finish the renovations on our bathroom (been working on that for nearly a month now 🙄). I'm also hoping to do some more work on the novel I want to write and... Holidays
How is everyone’s Christmas?
It was good. We went to Mass this morning, had breakfast, opened presents, and then spent the day at my parents' house. We're going to put the kids to bed soon and then watch the greatest... Holidays
Hows you're Christmas Day going so far?
Good. We went to Mass this morning (wanted to go to Midnight Mass, but we didn't plan accordingly). Then we went home, had breakfast, opened presents, and now we're at my parents' house for the... Holidays
Who's your favorite Christmas character?
John McClane, Scott Calvin, and Gonzo. Holidays
Do you believe that those who eat grapes on New Year's Eve will have their wishes come true?
What? This is the first I've heard that. No, I don't. Holidays
Who is Getting a Winter Land of Snow for Christmas?
Whatever snow we had went as quickly as it came. GOOD. RIDDANCE! Holidays
How do you celebrate Christmas Eve?
Throughout the day, it's just a lot of hanging around eating, hanging out, and watching Christmas movies. Later on, we have this barley soup (I've never liked it) and sing Christmas carols, which... Holidays
Have you ever seen “It’s A Wonderful Life”?
Yes. It's a wonderful film. Holidays
Do you consider Die Hard to be a Christmas movie?
Die Hard is IRREFUTABLY a Christmas movie! Do not pass "Go", do not try to hack into Nakatomi's vault to steal $600 million in bearer bonds. Die Hard IS A Christmas MOVIE! Feel free to read... Holidays
Is Christmas an annual ordeal?
I mean... it happens every year... Holidays
What's the most expensive Christmas gift you ever bought?
I think it was a smart speaker for my wife. Holidays
Does anyone know the rationale for GaG starting with the bots?
Their reasoning for bringing these unholy parasites here was literally "the cool kids are doing it". I argued with the admins about this earlier this year and they told me, essentially, "everyone... G@G Community
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
I'm thankful for my faith, my family, my friends, and that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. That's right, suckers. It's that time of year again! Holidays
It's the season to be JOLLY! So share your favourite Christmas song with me?
My favorite Christmas song is very short, consisting on only five words... Holidays
Should we be able to pick two topics for our questions?
They tried something like that back in 2014. I don't think it's a good idea. Too much confusion, too much repetition. G@G Community