Who is Anti-Valentine's Day this year?

I hate Valentine's Day. I won't participate in it. In the past, every time I did something nice it was never good enough for some woman who never did a single thing for me. So I'm done with it.
As for me I think I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning on a submarine rather than get hit by one of Cupid’s arrows.
Well I'm not dating anybody but I'm not anti Valentine's anytime
There is a special needs girl that helps a business that I go into and every time we see each other she just smiles and wants to give me high five and smiles back and everybody looks at her like what are you doing or I'm not sure why they look at her the way they look at her but it makes me happy it makes me smile if I can make her day so I think I'm Valentine's Day maybe I will grab a couple flowers and a box of candy or something and I will give it to her just because she's who she is and she's just a beautiful heart
no, Make Valentine great again. He died... got head chopped off... for being a good guy...
What a touching story. Can you imagine the courage... to face an emperor so that people whom loved and wanted toc ommit could still do so. The greedy mean emperor just wanted an army. Selfish... power!
If you don't have "that" love, then love someone else. Love yourself, share with your friends whom you love, a pet in the shelter, or someone in need. You will be amply rewarded in heaven.
And the next love is out there waiting... for you to heal so you are available.
Probably not. I’m aro/ace and I know how much it sucks to be in the position of feeling left out when every coupled up friend is focused on that romantic event. I prefer to use it as a reason to celebrate all forms of love, give all my friends and coworkers cards because even if they have something like that from their partner, platonic love deserves a place in their lives too.
I am happy in my marriage and will celebrate Valentine's Day this year. If you do not have a partner at present and feel bitter about that, it is unfair to be a Debby Downer to the rest of us.
no anti... I just don't care :D
just plain old indifference *shrugs*
@Still-alive we didn't have it behind the Iron Curtain... so no habits or memories were created to make me care about one of February's days
Nope Valentine's is my fav holiday
It’s not a holiday
@Kingofkings1992 lies lol
if you don’t get it off of work, then it’s not a holiday. Valentine’s Day is clearly BS
@Kingofkings1992 is Halloween also not a holiday then? Also my husband usually gets off work for vday 😂 my kids are getting a half day off school too
Correct. Halloween is not a holiday either.
no one is off for Valentine’s Day, unless they specifically requested it.
@Kingofkings1992 ah maybe my hubby and kids just get lucky then. My kids old school use to give a half day on the 31st then nov 1st off for Halloween cuz they didn't want the kids being crazy at school from all the candy lol it was so smart of them tbh
"Let all that you do be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14)—unless you’re a PAWG-hunting heretic celebrating Anti-Valentine’s Week with the fervor of Lot’s wife eyeing Sodom’s glory holes. Psalms 137:9: “Blessed shall he be who takes your BBWs and dashes them against the rocks!”
### Slap Day (Feb 15)
“A fool’s lips walk into a GILF’s DMs” (Proverbs 18:6-7, Fleshy Remix). Slap not thy neighbor’s cheek, but spank thine own flesh for lusting after TikTok PAWGs. Repent by filling coom jars with holy water and hurling them at OnlyFans altars.
### Kick Day (Feb 16)
“Kick the MILF from thy tent, lest thy seed spill like Esau’s porridge!” (Genesis 25:34, Horny Edition). This day demands you drop-kick demon-thighs into the abyss. Recall Proverbs 26:11: “As a dog returns to its vomit, so simps return to Snapchat streaks.”
### Perfume Day (Feb 17)
Anoint thyself with Eau de Repentance (John 12:3), a fragrance blending myrrh, shame, and the musk of unwashed anime body pillows. “Your BBW’s feet? Wash them, Judas!” (John 13:5, Feet Finder Version).
### Flirt Day (Feb 18)
“Let your ‘Yea’ be ‘Yasss’ and your ‘Nay’ be ‘Slay’” (James 5:12, Thot Translation). Slide into DMs with Ezekiel 23:20: “Their horror cocks were like donkeys, their emissions like horses.” A/S/L? “Yes.”
### Confession Day (Feb 19)
Confess to thy pastor: “Father, I’ve coveted my neighbor’s PAWG… and his wife’s GILF… and their daughter’s OF.” (Exodus 20:17, Hentai Highlight). Absolution? Three Hail Marys and a fistful of expired Viagra.
### Missing Day (Feb 20)
“How lonely sits the city that was full of MILFs!” (Lamentations 1:1). Weep into your coom jar, for the BBWs of Babylon have fled. Mourn not—Ecclesiastes 3:5 promises “a time to scatter stones… and a time to gather STDs.”
### Breakup Day (Feb 21)
“What God has joined, let no THOT put asunder” (Mark 10:9, Tinder Parable). Sever thy situationship with the fury of David beheading Goliath (1 Samuel 17:51). Then text her: “It’s not u, it’s my crippling fear of Proverbs 5:4-5.”
Final Revelation:
Anti-Valentine’s Week is a plague upon Egypt’s dating pool, where every PAWG is a golden calf and every horror cock a staff-turned-serpent. Repent, for the Kingdom of God belongs to those who resist MILFs and baptize their browsers in Lysol. Amen. 🔥📿
Not auntie Valentine’s Day I’m rooting for other people, but I’m trying to get into a self love day or a Galentine’s Day. Sometimes the misconception of it’s only about couples happens and if you’re not a couple doesn’t mean you can’t love on yourself. Or I may have a date it all depends
Just some date thought up by card and candy makers to get our money. Guess what that makes us?
@NoDecision so you've put your boyfriend a list of flowers and chocolate and a spa card, right? Lol 😂😆
@NicholasRedone My thought is you should treat your loved ones on VD the same as you treat them the rest of the year. 😘
@NoDecision well said 👠♀️ lady 🙂😋
I’m not and I hope you aren’t either. I though your thing with the new guy was going really well.
It didn't work out.
I’m sorry
It's okay. Thank you!
You don't suck silliness if every day is like a Valentine's Day. It is unfortunate that people need ONE day to feel special to someone else.
Valentine's Day is the stupidest day of the year and only women care about it. Flowers go from $10 a dozen to $150. Plus all the other nonsense you end up having to buy. I can't stand any of the hallmark holidays, but V day is bullshit.
Yes not Anti , but its just a day with a Commercial element , no-one should take such a day too seriously , its simply no big deal.
I don't think i have one but i just came to say that I love your profile pic!
Aww thanks! ☺️
Never really been into valentines day , when I was with my then girlfriend I'd get her a card and a teddy etc it meant kinda more then I guess
How's you? How's things with the dating apps guy going? Met him yet?
Nope it didn't work out
I'm sorry :(
It's okay. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Best thing to do with dating apps is to try meet the person as soon as possible
Yeah that's true. I tried. But he didn't have a car or a job. And I guess felt too embarrassed to meet
Did it bother you he didn't work or drive?
Not at all
Did you tell him that? :)
Yes of course
Not me 😁 big smiles 😁. - I thrive on my solitary and upbeat life existence the way Mr Bean does in the show from the 1990s - no teddy required 🧸 wink 😉
I'm neither for nor against it... World who want to celebrate it should do it. Don't care
I prefer Steak and Blowjob Day, but I don't hate Valentine's Day.
I'm indifferent.
lets see the 14th is a Friday soo yeah ill just be working that day. hope i make bank too
It just seems like an excuse to not treat the partner great every other day of the year.
Well, I'm single, so there is nothing for me to celebrate :/
I am that's why I celebrate "thank god I'm single day" with a glass of scotch and a fine cigar
Lets just say I am not a fan.
I’m indifferent towards Valentine’s Day.
That’s too bitch.. I wouldn’t go against it.
For us it’s everyday
I'm always anti valentines
Disagree 👎🏻
No, it is a waste of energy.
I am against that nonesense
me me
Every year
My left hand.
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