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Works in: Restaurant
From: United States
Superb Opinion
Someone talked about this on tiktok, about how incels and their discussions on gender roles in society was ruined by their blatant...
Influencer Questions
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- Shared opinion:How to know if I was a nazi in a past life?
Try regression therapy 10 min
- Shared opinion:How can I find a job in public relations?
Talk to your advisor 1 d
- Shared opinion:Do you think it’s a bit cliche and cheesy to start a relationship on Valentine’s Day?
Valentine’s is a romantic holiday, the most popular day for proposals, marriages, and... 4 d
- Shared opinion:Could I go to jail if I dont get my license reinstated?
Not having a license and waiting out the suspension won’t send you to jail. What WILL send you... 5 d
- Shared opinion:So What Year Did You Graduated from High School?
I graduated in 2012, the year everyone thought the world would end. 5 d
- Shared opinion:What’s your biggest pet peeve about your job?
I’m tired of getting the question “what specials do you have?” When I answer the phone. My man,... 5 d
- Commented on an opinion:What's the origin of Valentine's Day?
Forgot to mention there was also a lot of animal sacrifices. A very bloody festival. 10 d
- Shared opinion:What's the origin of Valentine's Day?
The origins most likely relate to Lupercalia, a pagan Roman festival for fertility performed at... 10 d
- Shared opinion:IIm 31 and thinkng of getting a job at McDonald's. Will my co workers think im old?
Who cares? If you need a job, get a job 11 d
- Shared opinion:What kind of School Kid were you?
The weird kid 11 d
- Shared opinion:Did you have to wear a Uniform at School? If so did you like it or hate it and why?
I left my school just before they instituted uniforms. I’m very glad for that. I was much... 11 d
- Shared opinion:Why is everybody whining about their jobs?
Some people just want to vent. Their negative feelings about their jobs are just as valid as... 13 d
- Commented on an opinion:Do you think high school is useless?
There are valuable skills you learn in high school that you can build upon if you choose to... 13 d
- Shared opinion:Do you think high school is useless?
The documentation you get is not useless no, but a GED is as good as an actual degree if that’s... 13 d
- Shared opinion:Who is Anti-Valentine's Day this year?
Probably not. I’m aro/ace and I know how much it sucks to be in the position of feeling left out... 14 d
- Commented on an opinion:Why don’t people want to be judged for not having a job?
We’re food service, and we have tons of people applying that we consistently deny. Again, it’s... 16 d
- Commented on an opinion:Why don’t people want to be judged for not having a job?
Choosing to apply doesn’t mean they’ll take you. I work at a place that has entry level, and... 16 d
- Shared opinion:Why don’t people want to be judged for not having a job?
Having a job is not something you can control unless you yourself are responsible for hiring... 16 d
- Shared opinion:Is there any real ethical way to make money?
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Therefore, if you’re operating within the... 17 d
- Commented on an opinion:Do dishonest applicants (who lie on their resume) cause honest applicants to suffer?
I don’t really care what you think at this point, think whatever you please 21 d
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