I’m really frustrated with a guy I’ve been seeing, but I keep checking his social media. I’m considering blocking and deleting him, but I’m unsure if it’s childish, though part of me wants him to notice.
I would only block if I’m completely over the person and not intend to ever contact them again. Otherwise it looks immature to block and unblock and they won’t take you seriously after that. Personally, I blocked an ex who just wouldn’t stop texting me despite me telling him I’m dating someone else.. and I was so over him at that point. I blocked a few people who also crossed boundaries or just didn’t get it that I don’t want to talk to them.
But it seems like you are checking up on him although you two don’t have any contact I don't know maybe you do want him to contact him if thats the case I wouldn’t block. Maybe delete only?
Oh yeah, I recently deleted a guy I was getting to know bcz he kinda messed up. But I still liked him so I deleted his number after the argued so that he knows I am serious about my boundaries but I kept him on insta because part of me still liked him. If Im not 100% sure Im over the person I keep a door open.. or else I’ll look like a clown blocking and unblocking.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
333 opinions shared on Dating topic. the specific reason/s could be considered as childish
like attention or hurt feelings.
Overall use of the blocking feature is in no way childish. It’s best used for reasons like safety, conflict of interest, harassment, peace of mind, filtering, and etc.
but just for emotional or small things or attention- I don't know.
It’s not a bad function but the mindset behind using it should be from a healthy individual using it for their own benefit and also be happy and content in their lives. It’s not war of the buttons. It’s simply a feature.
00 Reply
- 2 mo
I answered this before….
Basically there was this one guy who was posting violence & threats & absolute nasty things towards another user on here so I deleted their responses then blocked them so they couldn’t retaliate against the user and they could be free to respond to my posts without fear of that asshole.
There was another who claimed falsely that the Pandemic wasn’t bad because I didn’t lose anyone near and dear to me / knew any friends & family who lost folks…. I say falsely because I did know people that died and from my family and a friend who was close to dying from it…. He didn’t know my business and frankly he didn’t deserve to know after that not so warm welcome to put things lightly. Blocked them! They deserved it.
I ain’t blaming you for blocking someone, I once was blocked over having a different opinion of a member (who I won’t mention)… Just block them for the right reasons not the wrong ones.
00 Reply
- 2 mo
I may be way off here , there isn’t a great deal to go on but seems very much like un-resolved feelings here but blocking and deleting on an app won’t delete those emotions and thoughts so in that sense I’d say it’s probably immature to think that way although understandable given the frustration you think you feel for him , You may be “sick” of him interrupting your thoughts as you stare at his profile so you feel that removing the option will help? Again understandable but likely won’t help. I think it much more sensible to attempt to draw things to a conclusion if that’s possible or maybe even communicating in a way that helps you move on more respectfully. I often say that the way to treat others is how you would want or expect to be treated yourself , there is dignity in that at least assuming he is deserving of that.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
2.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. If you’re done with him then sure, block him. Who cares. But if this is your way of sending a message or trying to get his attention and you aren’t really done then yeah, that’s childish. You should communicate first, and give him the opportunity to work with you through whatever the issue is rather than trying to prompt him to chase or even miss you. He’s either already doing/feeling those things or he’s not, and you shouldn’t trying to manipulate your way into having him act how you want him to act.
30 Reply- 2 mo
It depends. Blocking someone because they say or do something that you disagree with, but otherwise don't bother you, is childish. If someone continually bothers you or is totally disrespectful, blocking them may be okay. In most cases, though, it's perfectly acceptable to just ignore them.
40 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes why would you block him all you would be telling him is that I know what you're doing not putting up with it well maybe because I'll turn my blocking off in about a week after I think you might have noticed
Why would you want to do that why not just keep him added and just tell him in another way do not answer his messages let It Go you need to show him who you are and that you don't need him in your life if he doesn't need you00 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. You're 40 and this is still your approach to life? You're frustrated with him yet you keep looking at his social media. And then you want to block him and hope he notices. That's 20 year-old girl logic. Hell yeah it's childish.
Maybe you're still not ready for dating.
00 Reply1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. If someone is harassing you, block them. But in my opinion what you are describing sounds like Jr High school drama. That's not how adults in a relationship act.
00 ReplyWhat do you want him to notice? In either case, being direct and honest is more fruitful, certainly with men in general.
As for childish, it can be of course, sometimes it may be necessary, but I certainly see how everything turns into echo chambers these days. So many people block people left and right for simply thinking different, but if this is someone you are interested in, don't play games. Just be direct, for better or for worse it forces progress rather than being stuck in uncertain limbos.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)2 mo
Depends on the occasion. I'd wear boyshorts maybe going to the gym or if I'm wearing like a short skirt or sundress especially if windy.
Briefs if I'm on my period usually black.
G-string for like a figure hugging ball gown or some outfit I don't want a vpl. You can't wear a g string with jeans.
Slipshorts at times
Hipsters, Tanga and cheeky as well
Thongs because I like how my butt looks in them and for comfort. I like the reaction I get from my husband when I wear them. Good under jeans, young pants or tights. Normally thongs or boyshorts. I dont go in really for all that Victoria secret stuff, wallmart is fine.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Depends completely on the circumstances. Here I had to block a few people because the first interaction with them was them throwing every cuss word they could think of in my face for having an opinion contrary to theirs. Others were eternal trolls that could not admit a mistake but instead doubled down with more and more aggression. I don't have time for such idiots.
00 Reply It's not childish tell him or talk to him about it first tell him he's frustrating you or it will go on more I'm a very straight forward not shy girl have been from I was young you have to speak to him about it don't block him without speaking about it the reason for that is because your seeing him try sort it out first
00 Reply- 2 mo
In this context, it kinda is if the reason you're doing it is because you can't resist looking at his social media or interacting with you. If someone harasses you though, then that would be a different story and blocking such a person would be justified.
A better way to phrase this question would be "Would it be childish of me to block this person?" because I don't think it is silly to block people in every situation.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Its not childish to block, if it gives you peace of mind and his behaviour is affecting your well being, then go ahead.
If someone is really annoying, I always block them. You are entitled to do that.
00 Reply I block people for my own mental health, I wouldn’t consider it childish. But blocking him because you’re frustrated and want him to notice is the childish part. Say he notices what do you think he’s going to do?
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)2 mo
Blocking should only be used to stop harassment. I think it's very childish otherwise, and people on this site do it a lot. If you say something they don't like, the next thing you know someone is blocking you and you don't even know who.
10 Reply 3.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. For a 40 year old woman to have this mentality is not appealing at all. He may notice, but likely won't give a shit. If he does, and 'comes back to you' it won't be for long.
11 Reply- 2 mo
Umm... clarification please?
You want to block a guy on social media, but you're dating him in real life?
Do you mean you want to block him because you don't have the willpower to stop looking at his social media?
10 Reply 418 opinions shared on Dating topic. I think you should be upfront with him and tell him you want to stop seeing him. Ghosting and trying to get a reaction out of him is kind of manipulative.
00 Reply- 2 mo
I think it can be, I think it can also be necessary. It’s gonna be hard to move on if you’re obsessing over his sm actions. Block him if it’s what’s best for you
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)2 mo
I've blocked girls i dont want to talk to emphasis on girls, even though they are in their late 20s or early 30s, they aren't women, I just view them as little dramatic girls which is a turn off. This will surprise females reading this because females assume guys will just drop everything, even his values for a wishy-washy dramatic girl, nah, not me.
00 Reply - 2 mo
that you would want him to notice is childish. 40 fucking years old and playing these dumb games still?
10 Reply 3.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's not, if they're rude then blocking them is ok then again if he's not the type to send one hundred insulting message then there's no point in blocking him
00 Reply- 2 mo
i don't give a fuck. if someone annoys the heck out of me, i'm gonna block them. like who decides what's childish or not and why do you need to give a fuck if it's not you deciding it? you have the power. not anyone else. specially not online.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Just be straight up with him. A lot of guys will cruise along thinking everything is okay, not realizing that you want more attention. It is probably not intentional. He's likely just as ignorant as the rest of us guys are.
10 Reply Why do you keep checking his social media accounts?
20 Reply- 2 mo
it is unless you got a legitimate reason
like a breakups, are they triggering you (not like political BS but saying fucked up shit), etc. etc.00 Reply It can be i'd just usually unfollow n ignore them, sometimes it can be petty for not blocking over something silly
10 Reply- 2 mo
It is childish unless he’s done something really horrible to you
10 Reply - 2 mo
No not at all. Your own safety and mental health is more important.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Definitely childish if it is just for him to notice you.
00 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. No. There are some people who I don't need in my life.
00 Reply- 2 mo
Yes. Just like is is stupid and childish to post anonymously on this site.
00 Reply - 2 mo
If it's to manipulate, yes. That's childish.
If it is for protection, no.
That's wise.
00 Reply - 2 mo
It isn't childish.
It's an attempt to protect yourself from... Fill in the blanks :)00 Reply 18.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. If you think about it, that’s like cutting all communication off for life and what if if there’s a chance to repair it with blocking you can’t do that
00 Reply- 2 mo
It’s not childish, it’s your phone and you control what you have on there.
00 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. I think it is childish myself but that is me not you.
00 Reply- 2 mo
No. Self preservation above ALL ELSE.
00 Reply - 2 mo
I just had a weakling block me. She knew her answer was the wrong answer she tried deflect the wrong answer onto me by blocking before I replied.
01 Reply- 2 mo
PS. Those who in their attempt try to make someone else's answer look like the wrong answer by blocking them before they have a chance to reply, they think because they block you that others will be shallow enough not to figure out what they've done. But in the end they know the initial reply was correct and they can't change the truth even if they don't like it.
- 2 mo
Depends on what. When it comes to spammers then no but when it comes to just disagreeing with someone or you hurt your ego because you run out of arguments then yes.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Yeah, I think so. I don’t know most of the people who have blocked me or what I did to piss them off. I think they just disagreed or didn’t like my opinions and took it personally
00 Reply - 2 mo
yes because the longer
you avoid them
the more they always come back00 Reply 13.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. No, it can be a necessary self-preservation tactic.
00 Reply- 2 mo
No if there is no better specific reason to but if it just nonsense reason where you are jealous or something then it is childish
00 Reply It's rude in my opinion. It hurts people and especially those with abandonment issues. Only block people who abuse you.
00 Reply22.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't care. I am childish.
10 ReplyOk, we need more details. Like why are you frustrated with him?
00 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Social media is fake billsh! t where people pose as special. I block people on my phone when they become toxic.
00 ReplyI have heard that before when I blocked someone. That I was childish but then they proceeded to contact my family members.
00 Reply- 2 mo
Yes, if you can't handle HONEST disagreements. No, if you're receiving threats or disgusting messages.
00 Reply - 2 mo
Not if you give them a chance and a warning.
00 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Why don't you try clear and effective communication
00 ReplyKinda, in some cases. But not always. Sometimes it is actually the only way (harassment etc.)
00 Reply- 2 mo
im of the opinion that there's no shame in it at all. block him for your own inner peace
00 Reply - 2 mo
Yes blocking anyone is childish. just put your phone down. Jesus Christ.
00 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I do what is necessary to protect my peace of mind. Blocking is just one of many tools in the shed
00 ReplyWhatever feels best to you. I get it. I mean at least you thinkin' about 1st. So, I'd say it is not childish just for that reason alone.
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)2 mo
No, it isn't! People can be annoying and crazy! You need the ability to block and protect yourself!
00 Reply - 2 mo
Many people block me so I need to be used to it
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)2 mo
No, some people are just rude, and they won't stop.
00 Reply - 2 mo
It doesn't seem reasonable in this case.
00 Reply - 2 mo
No because people can be annoying
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