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25 d

Is it a massive red flag if a girl never wants to spend time in person but tells me she loves me?

I don’t know. Maybe she loves you, but is wise enough to understand that love isn’t always enough to make a relationship last? Girl's Behavior

27 d

Is shyness a sign of emotional weakness?

It depends. If you’re too shy to act on interest in women or making friends, then many women would dismiss you as weak. If you’re just shy, then that’s ok. Perhaps you could work with a... Girl's Behavior

27 d

Do you think she likes me?

Sounds like she’s flirting. Girl's Behavior

27 d

Does anyone else find it pathetic when women block you just for pointing out bad things in womenn?

maybe reconsider how you speak to or about people. I’m speaking from experience of you. Girl's Behavior

27 d

If a girl changes hides her single status?

It’s unclear. Why hide it though; as in to be dishonest? Maybe she is a more private person than some and quite rightly, doesn’t want everyone bothering her or her boyfriend or intruding into her... Girl's Behavior

27 d

Why does she giggle?

Either she likes you or she’s stupid. Girl's Behavior

27 d

Girls, What do you really mean when you say a guy is too good for you?

He’s too nice and he turns you off sexually. Girl's Behavior

27 d

Do you believe in being a man’s dream woman?

I believe in trying. That doesn’t mean I’ll succeed. Girl's Behavior

27 d

Is a girl interested in you?

If it’s me, then not always. I’m just bored and genuinely curious (nosey); about other people’s lives. Lol. Mocking myself here, not you. If it’s someone else, it might be, or they might just be... Girl's Behavior

1 mo

Why can my friend not ever bring herself to support me in anything I do in life?

I’m sorry to say, but it sounds like Emily doesn’t like you. Girl's Behavior

1 mo

Girl I used to talk to keeps coming back saying do you miss me?

Because she misses what you had, I’m guessing. Girl's Behavior

1 mo

Is it more difficult for woman to think critically because no one tells them the truth?

People constantly tell me the truth. Their truth, anyway. I find it hard to be critical because it’s one of my faults in being an ex people pleaser in recovery lol. Girl's Behavior

1 mo

Girls’ do you like when a guy says to you, Damn, You’re Hot?

I’ve never had anyone say that lol but heck yeah. Take it as a compliment! Girl's Behavior

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