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9 mo

Why is it when a democrat points out a fact, republicans don'e like it?

it's easier to attack and go on the defense when you don't have a legit counterpoint. we've become a society where we will often not accept truths if they don't jive with our ideology. e. g. a... Society & Politics

9 mo

If you were Kylian Mbappe, would you accept Al Hilal's offer of a 700 million euro salary?

no. that money will be there in 10-15 years when he can no longer play at peak performance. the Al Hilal and MLS deals are for Stars who can't quite cut it in Europe anymore Sports

9 mo

Who is the most useful president to Usa?

one has a cult like following. one does not. one actually has accomplished a lot. one does not Society & Politics

9 mo

What is your favorite sports branch?

what is a sports branch? could you update a bit Sports

9 mo

Do you want your tax money to go to Ukraine or your own country?

you know the money that goes to Ukraine literally can't be spent on building up the US right? governments allocate funds to different departments. foreign aid, defense and military spending is... Society & Politics

9 mo

Are the wages low in America?

for the vast majority yes. inflation has risen far faster than wages which have been relatively stagnant. Society & Politics

9 mo

Should the practice of tipping be abolished?

i don't think we abolish tipping per se but as we do it in america it needs to change. most other countries have figured out a way to compensate wait staffs for service without having diners at... Society & Politics

9 mo

How can trump become president if he's going to prison for 100 years?

well he can't. that's why he's trying to delay the trial. Society & Politics

10 mo

Did feminists really care about black women's voting rights back then?

your premise is false. women didn't get the right to vote until 1950. that was about 50 years after black men got the right to vote. in fact people like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony... Society & Politics

10 mo

Racist 4 saying Wakanda not real, Cleopatra white, Rhianna 1/4 time show sucked, Beyonce can't sing, ancient Egypt white, George Floyd no Hero?

wakanda isn't real cleopatra may have been white but we don't know who her mother was. my opinion is she probably had a light brown complexion and was likely of mixed race heritage didn't see the... Society & Politics

10 mo

Is Taking Handouts From The Government Bad?

i voted "not bad" but it does come with a caveat. the vast majority of americans who receive benefits from the government do so on a temporary basis. i think the stat was like about 90-120 the... Society & Politics

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