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1 y

He of all people has the same hoodie :') ?

It doesn’t matter, just wear it better lol Fashion & Beauty

1 y

My do so many young women have botox and collagen injections in their faces. Don't they realise the look ridiculously false and unattractive?

It’s because at first it looks good, then they go back want to look even better and they end up get too much. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Do you think saying to a female she isn’t pretty is the most hurtful insult?

No i don’t care if someone doesn’t find me pretty. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Can a dress be let out a size bigger?

You can take it to a tailor and maybe they can take it out or change the back zipper to a lace up but yes there’s probably a fix for it. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Why do woman want lip filler?

I only dislike them when the top lip is too big made to be as full as the bottom lip that doesn’t look right on most people but I have seen good lip fillers. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

HELP NEEDED! What's the best way to hide your belly and fat rolls?

Just buy a few clothes that fit to wear wear while you lose a few lbs to get into you others. Wearing too small clothes will make you look fatter. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Is having curly hair a good thing?

I love it, mines naturally curly but it frizzes up too easy so I keratin straighten it then it’s more low maintenance everyday. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Girls, Where are some places to be fitted for a bra?

If you got ‘measured’ at Victoria secrets chances are you have never had a properly fitted bra because they sell very limited sizes basically the s, m, l of bras. Smaller bra stores that stock a... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

People who wear spandex?

Obviously they aren’t embarrassed of their self if they wear it lol and some people are into that or whatever. It’s not a view I’d want to look at but if they are happy that’s good. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Is Golden Ratio even true? Why do people use it to measure anyone's attractiveness?

i don’t know people fit it too perfectly have ‘nice’ but quite boring faces. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Ladies, would you rather a man compliments your natural beauty or makeup enhanced feature?

Both is good I don’t wear much makeup but I do my nails. One example of natural that kinda made me a bit self conscious was a man sniffed me and told me I smelled amazing when I was sweaty and not... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Why can't guys dress like (or at least similar) to this?

You can do whatever you want but you can’t expect to be attractive to everyone. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Which lingerie brand would you recommend?

If you want some little sexy things for cheap shein, otherwise I really like PourMoi for everyday lingerie because they sell bigger cup sizes similar quality to VS and they have great sale prices. Fashion & Beauty

1 y

I’m naturally pretty but I am not confident in it and want to get work done. Should I go for it or just accept how I look now?

What kinda work? You say you are naturally pretty so you obviously like how you look. What kind of confidence do you lack? I like how i look, but Im a little shy about talking because I feel like... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Is shape more visible then weight?

Can you just sew it a little tighter? Or I think it’s worth it to just buy another because you will be less worried about it slipping off in the water or awkward in pictures and enjoy your... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Do you have a perfect and simple skincare routine? Share some tips, if you don't mind?

I think you should probably use the differin most nights if you have acne and strong sun protection to help reduce any scarring from acnes Make sure there are no pore blocking ingredients in... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Are you satisfied with your physical appearance?

I’m satisfied I see prettier women too but it’s not a competition they aren’t me and so different there’s no comparing. i just think 😃’so pretty’ and carry on with life lol I prefer a nice view... Fashion & Beauty

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