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+1 y

Girlfriend sent pics to another guy while drunk?

If she came up to you, ad told you the truth. I think its is in need of some compassion. But i would keep an eye on her when she drinks Dating

+1 y

Is it normal my feelings are hurt that my boyfriend doesn't want to spend new year's eve with me?

As the friend that acts like a mom - I say that it wasn't cool that he didn't even talk to you about how New Years Eve, and New Years day would be spent. But, I also think that its also your fault... Relationships

+1 y

Does "Treat him mean, keep him keen" really work? What is your opinion on it?

I have never really heard of this. But, I usually go about it as... Well, this is my significant other. And, until he gives me a reason to treat him badly, i treat him well. Point blank. once he... Flirting

+1 y

He fucked another girl, should I give him a chance (read before voting)?

what makes you think that if you give him another chance, he won't go and do it again? Relationships

+1 y

At what age is a girl considered JAILBAIT in dating terms and why?

19, isn't jail bait. In the U. S. they are considered legal adults. and I've been jailbait since i was 14, it depends on how the girl acts, and how old she looks. Dating

+1 y

Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday?

Well, first off, why are you worried about other girls on your boyfriends page… saying 'Happy Birthday'? Your boyfriend says that he will take care of the people that could say 'inappropriate... Flirting

+1 y

I need some manly advice! Do guys like being called nicknames?

Personally, they don't have a choice :D I call my boyfriend so many names its not even funny. Relationships

+1 y

Third date too early to give a girl flowers?

NO! Thats is adorable. She will love them either way. I say get her some sunflowers. They dont really have any pollen to spread. ANd they are bright and yellowy. Dating

+1 y

Is Messi more attractive or Cristiano Ronaldo?

Attractive wise.. Cristiano Ronaldo by a long shot. Personality Wise.. Messi Dating

+1 y

She called me her boyfriend when someone hit on her? what does it mean?

it could be both, really. She could like you but it can also mean that she was not interested in being hit on by an old creepy man. Dating

+1 y

Do guys in their 30s move faster towards a relationship than guys in their 20s?

First of all… why are you complaining? You have a gentlemen on your hands and you're asking about the relationship status he wants? and to answer your question, yes, many men in their 30's... Relationships

+1 y

She texts back fast but with short answers, shy or not interested?

You guys should talk more in person! that will make your texting a bit more interesting and 'fun'. Dating

+1 y

Any advice for our first date to a hockey game tonight?

The trick is to be yourself because you don't want to sounds like you are trying too hard to get his attention. Also, talk about the hockey game, or anything that comes to mind. JUST NOT THE... Dating

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