"Who Created God?" is an Illogical Question

This question is a major objection that atheists put forward to justify their disbelief. Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), a famous British...
6 21

One (Of Many) ways to avoid evil - A Christian Story

A pastor at my church told us a story and I will edit it and give you a similar story here. In her story, a married couple named Sin and...
5 8

The Kalam Cosmological Argument Exposed

What is the Kalam Cosmological Argument? The argument goes as follow: 1. Everything that began to exist must have a cause. 2. The...
8 8

As a Christian, this is what I learned today about loving evil wrongdoers in our lives

I was just listening to a podcast and the man said: If I hold my hand in front of my face, and ask you what you see, what do you say? If...
8 12

The Fine Tuning Argument Exposed

Fine Tuning, what is it? So let's get a good idea of what the Fine Tuning argument is. Most proponents of this argument will tend to...
5 3

How Terminal Cancer Made Me Find Faith

When we are born, we are raised according to our parents ' beliefs and, over time, we are influenced by the world around us. When we are...
8 24

Welcome to Penguinism!

We live in a dark world that grows darker every day: people worship false idols, they argue over ancient texts, they even destroy sacred...
10 14

Please hear me out: Do you think its a spiritual demonic attack or sleep paralysis?

About 3 months ago I was extremely tired one night around 12 something AM, around 4 something AM, I was awake but in a very low...

How is that atheists bash Christians for their beliefs in God but Christians don't do the same?

Are they more humble cause they believe there's a God? Why are most atheists mean to them?
17 31

How can I forgive myself?

I have forgiven everyone who has wronged me, and some in the worst ways, but why can't I forgive myself?

Do you think religion will ever become obsolete?

Will religion one day no longer exist in the future? why /why not?
28 78

I need opinions. No bad words please?

I don't think that "anybody" can vote for the "from -10 to10, how much do you rate Islam" poll because the question asked about Islam...

Who is better Marvel or DC?

Marvel Vs DC
3 7

Can you see your nose in your vision?

I can only see small bit of my nose in my sight. I have small nose, I've been thinking if people with big nose can see their nose.
1 6

What is your spirit animal and why?

I've always felt like I was a Crow or Raven.
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