
Search Results: soft hair

Obsessed with girls with long hair?

For some reason girls with long hair really turn me on and get my attention and are automatically a million times more attractive to me than girls with shorter hair. Unfortunately, I go to a small college with only like...
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Why are non black people so fascinated by afro hair?

When I wear my hair out sometimes I always get where people saying it looks really fluffy and soft and giving compliments. I don’t get where it’s coming from cause I don’t do much for my hair to look like that 😅...
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What do chicks think of long curls/frizzy hair??

I play in a progressive trance metal band called The Dawn Chose Orion. so because of that and personal preference I have long hair that I can have in tight curls or frizzy but super soft fluffy whiteboyfro! lol girls...
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Girls, what does it mean when a girl wants to fluff my hair?

I already know how weird this sounds BELIEVE ME but here I go. I am a 15 year old boy with hair that's like really soft, straight, shiny, thick and kinda poofy at top, according to a few girls at least. 2 girls came up to...
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Why did this girl smile at me like that? Did she actually want to be complimented on her hair that she said randomly?

Written August 31, 2022 This girl I met named Michelle who is Russian randomly said “I just did my hair” for no reason after she said her name was Michelle. This girl seems really introverted (shy) since she said her...
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Dark Hair And Pale Skin?

How do guys feel about dark hair/pale skin on a girl? I have dark hair naturally and pale skin with black eyes. I used to always lighten my hair to a lighter brown because I felt that my dark hair was intimidating or...
How do guys feel about dark hair/pale skin on a girl? I have dark hair naturally and pale skin with black eyes. I used to always lighten my hair to a lighter brown because I felt Show More
I prefer to date dark-haired pale skinned girls.
I prefer dark hair, but I don't like pale skin.
I like pale skin, but I don't like dark hair.
I like all types of women and this stuff doesn't matter.
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Is washing my hair daily good?

So I used to shampoo my hair every other day (Like shampoo them on Monday and then back on Wendesady) but my hair were dull and freezy and really not toned. And I had seen that friends of mine who shampooe every day had...
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What kind of treatments do you do to make you hair/skin soft?

Im just curious what you girls do to get healthy hair and skin. For my hair i usually deep condition it twice a week, use acv rinse once a week and do hot oil treatment once a month. Oh and i wash my hair everyother day...
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Why do white, Hispanic & Asian women have gorgeous hair?

Why do white, Asian and Hispanic women have silky, soft, (almost always) straight, FEMININE hair? Why did God bless them with such beautiful hair? I thought God is fair and well intentioned? Apparently not. Cause...
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What does a man's chest hair feel like?

Haha this is a really dumb question but my boyfriend doesn't really have much chest hair. I'm writing a story and I need to know what the typical texture of chest hair is. Is it wiry? Soft like a kitten? Rough? I'm...
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Guys, do you prefer straight hair or wavy hair?

Straight can be either natural or not. I have soft waves and people always tell me I should straighten my hair. I don't want to damage it, so I only straighten my annoying bangs. But I'm curious, straight or wavy?
Straight can be either natural or not. I have soft waves and people always tell me I should straighten my hair. I don't want to damage it, so I only straighten my annoying bangs. But I'm curious, straight or wavy?
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Guys do you prefer girls with soft faces or angular faces?

SOFT: link link link ANGULAR: link link link
SOFT: link link link ANGULAR: link link link Show More
Soft ONLY, angular is ugly
Soft is way better but angular is ok
I don't prefer either, both are fine
Angular is way better but soft is ok
Angular ONLY, soft is ugly
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Do guys like watching a girl brush her hair?

Just wondering because whenever I brush my hair in class during some breaks, this guy always seems to be looking at me doing it. FYI, is not like my hair is gross or anything, it's actually very soft and shiny.
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Anybody know how to make long hair feel really soft?

I need to start wearing my hair down more often, but my hair is thick and feels gross on my neck. It's a little dry and it's "poofy" for lack of a better word. It's also really wavy. Any tips?
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Is it normal for girls to have hair On the butt cheeks?

not in the butt, but on the cheeks. its not peach fuzz, but its not really long. and theyre blond so they dont look gross, but you can feel the hair when you touch my butt, and i find this really gross because girls...
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How to make your hair softer?

I don't like my hair because it's not curly nor straight. I could stand up on my hands and my hair would not move. I've read that you can use some oils... How do you apply them? Do you have other tips?
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Guys, Why did he ask me to touch his hair?

There's this guy friend of mine. We flirt all the time and we talk about serious things. Lately he told me he's trying to get into better shape; he wants abs and yesterday he started talking to me about his hair and he...
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Do you feel guys removing legs and arms hair is gay or effeminate?

Sometimes people say that guys removing legs and arms hair is gay/effeminate. How do you think of this and what makes them feel that? Is it act of hair removal that's seen as effeminate/feminine/gay or the smooth...
Sometimes people say that guys removing legs and arms hair is gay/effeminate. How do you think of this and what makes them feel that? Is it act of hair removal that's seen as Show More
Not at all. If anything it's more attractive than hairy
The act of leg and arm hair removal is seen as effeminate/gay/feminine
The resulting smooth soft hairfree skin look is effeminate/feminine and mostly atractes males hence gayish
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How to make wavy/curly hair NOT clump together and have a softer look?

Nothing I've tried has worked so far, and most products only seem to encourage clumping. I like a soft, brushed out look rather than a clumpy one. Has anyone figured this out?
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Caring for Your Hair

My hair has probably the most complimented part of my body, for all 17 and a half years of my life. It’s used to be insanely long when was a child, until I got tired of it when I was 10 and got it all cut to shoulder...