Search Results: Everything was perfect then I got engaged Now my

How To Raise Yourself as an Emotionally Mature Adult: A Relationship with Yourself!

**I recently went through family conflict and through my limited experience I pulled a lot of lessons together for myself. I felt inspired to share because I feel that I learn more when I invite others to add their own...

Russia and the Ukraine crisis understanding Russia’s perspective [part 3]

Part 1 Part 2 Last time I finished off with Ukraine’s history when it comes to its struggle for independence. Now that you know who the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) is, I can get into what Right Sector stands for....

Dear MGTOWs and Hardcore Feminists...

If you are single, it is your fault, not the entire opposite gender's. You fail at relationships because of yourself and you can't find "the one" because you're not "the one" back. If you want to be happy and...

Coronavirus Denialist/Downplaying Arguments Debunked:

Hello everyone, as you all know we are in the midst of a 100 year pandemic with the current COVID-19 crisis. But many people have spread misinformation to try to downplay the severity of the crisis so here I'd thought I'd...

The benefits of having an Aspie boyfriend/girlfriend

Today I write this article to inform all of my Aspie brothers and sisters out there there is hope for us in the dating world.  Yes, just like in all other general aspects in life we aspies do pack a great amount of...

Nice Guys Don't Finish Last. Boring Guys Do.

"Why do girls always go for the bad boys?" "Girls say that they want a nice guy but they don't date ME!" Okay, first thing, make sure you're not whining. Unless you've found a fetish website for whiners, it may be one of...

Debunking Feminism: 5 Privileges Women Experience Over Men

From dominating the social welfare network and receiving the most government handouts to the biased divorce courts, alimony, and draconian child support laws, women have it pretty good in Western society. There are few,...

Engagement Rings: Here's Why The Detail And Size Matter

The woman in the picture above went viral after being shamed for having such a small engagement ring. Well, actually she wasn't shamed so much as the guy who bought it. Why is the ring so small? Why isn't it bigger?...

What Are Your Thoughts on Mental Health?

I think mental health shouldn't be something to ignore or turn a blind eye to. Mental health affects different people in different ways. Depression can come at anyone even when the person seems like they're happy and have...

An Ode to American Politics: If I Reformed the System (LAWD HAMMERCY 😱)

DISCLAIMER: This is for those who are interested in a different perspective. I'd like this to be an actual discussion. Yeah, it's long as shit, but what can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's that time of decade(??) y'all! Election...

How I Saved My Marriage and What I Learned.

Hollywood doesn't tell you this but - relationships are hard. They take work. Even the most loving, simple, easy, beautiful couple has to work to make that happen. If anyone tells you otherwise they're selling something,...