Search Results: Why is birth control a political issue in the

Why Modernity Has Given Women More Choices, But Entering A Male-Dominated Field Has Consequences

While it is easy to think that feminism causes women to have more choices, I believe that the political marches and activisms are just a small part of the story of women's role in society. I believe that a significant...

Why do both the political left and the political right love having the government control people's bodies so much?

This is going to be another one of those posts that pisses people off. Hold on to your butts cause here's your Trigger Warning. Anyway... I grew up classically liberal. I voted for Obama twice (even though I think he...

White privilege debunked once and for all: reasons why the "white privilege" concept is not a valid social analysis.

In my second glorious Take, I will debunk the entire liberal concept of "white privilege". Although it would not be an easy reading, I can assure you: this will be the BEST article that you will ever read about "white...

Can we be bigger than our political beliefs and find common ground? My interview with a Trump supporter and what it taught me!

Woo boy. A Centrist, feminist, LGBT member and a Conservative Trump supporter in one place? How will we co-exist? Turns out, rather easily is how we do it. My interview this time is with one of our members here and one of...
Ez-Bri-Z s

The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted Towards Egalitarianism

This is a revision of my previous myTake in response to some of the criticisms regarding generalisations, political correctness and lack of sensitivity in clarification. In light of this it is a lot more detailed. But...

Busting Myths About Modern (Non-Extreme) Feminism

Feminism is a widely debated topic of today. However, what exactly is it? Many people are unsure of what feminism means (besides the women’s suffrage movement and others of the 20th century) and do not understand how it...
118 121 See More

Feminism is Not The Problem!

On GirlsAskGuys, many people (mostly males) believe that feminism is a threat to men and the cause of their oppression. I believe that these men take the modern liberties that feminism has brought for granted. Let me...

Do Black Lives Really Matter?

This is an combined edit of other original works and I do not own it. Of course Black lives matter. Conservative policies, values, and principles have demonstrated over the decades deep concern and compassion for...

Land of the Free

Lately I've become increasingly invested in American politics, even at the point of neglecting the politics here in Japan. The recent political climate has reinvigorated my interest. A Great Nation In spite of spending a...

The Importance of Passions

This is about the importance of expressing one's passions. Not sexual passion, but every other kind of passion - tapping into and connecting with what you care about, what provides meaning, what matters most to you....

Literally The Dumbest Abortion Argument I've Ever Seen On The Internet (Abortion/Pro-Life)

So yet another stupid abortion argument on the internet. I know, I know... I said I would be done with this bullsh*t, but here we are. I'm not going to say the name of this person here, but they are quite literally the...

Is Marriage For You? You Should Probably Ask Yourself These Questions First

In case you've been living under quite the giant sized rock, it will be of no surprise to you that the number of men and women getting married in this country has fallen dramatically over the last fifty years or so. With...
BeeNee a

Black Lives Matter: Facts versus Asinine Talking Points (Part 1)

Hello everyone, as we are all aware, 2020 has been a very *ahem "eventful" year and one thing that has reared its' head again is race relations in the United States after the death of George Floyd. So I felt compelled to...

An Open Letter to Women Who Were Offended By Trump's Sexually Explicit Language

Really? Of all the things to be concerned about this election and you are throwing a fit because of locker room banter between two old white guys whom everyone knows are dicks? Living in Northern California my entire...

Strong Women Through History: What a Strong Woman Really is and How We're Undoing Everything They Did for Women's Rights

This is a first for me, I don't usually write about things that have political issues attached to them. Especially on here, writing stuff like this is like throwing yourself in the lions den and feeding yourself to the...

Crumbled Illusions:Dating Economics in the Contemporary Period

The Media and Expectations Those who grew up watching the television and movies of our time came into the dating world with a set of expectations formed by the culture that surrounded us in our formative years. As...

The Last Abortion and "Pro-Life is a Stupid Stance" Argument I Feel Like Having

This was originally meant to be a single response to a new GAG user's implication that Pro-Choice people are "selfish or callous." Nothing pisses me off more than stupidity, so this simple post ballooned into a post too...

The OTHER Last Abortion and "Pro-Life is Stupid" Argument I Feel Like Having

A response to this user's "Abortion is wrong, why is this a debate" post. I've already written about this two weeks ago. And I also wrote about this even before that. But this damn issue won't die and I'm once again...

How to Fix Game of Thrones: A Fan's Perspective!

Change #1: Tyrion and Dany The first thing that would be essential to change would be the relationship between Dany and Tyrion. We see this becoming rather stretched and fragmented throughout season 7 and season 8. From...

Do White People Actually Fear the Idea of the Take-Over?

According to the last US census, roughly 62% of Americans self-identified as solely being White, 18% Hispanic/Latino, 13% African American, 6% Asian, and 1% American Indian/Alaskan Native (These numbers do not reflect...