Literally The Dumbest Abortion Argument I've Ever Seen On The Internet (Abortion/Pro-Life)

So yet another stupid abortion argument on the internet. I know, I know... I said I would be done with this bullsh*t, but here we are.

I'm not going to say the name of this person here, but they are quite literally the dumbest person I've ever met on the internet. This MyTake is purely for me, as this deserves to be preserved, like in a museum or something. This high-functioning Autist is extremely pro-life, extremely anti-Left, and makes his entire identity online as being someone to mock the left. I've always knew he was dumb, but this takes the cake. I've made no mistake I think the Pro-Life argument is stupid for several reasons.

Why do both the political left and the political right love having the government control people's bodies so much?
Post-response to my question "Abortion: Is it Hypocritical to be Pro-Life without also being a Vegan"?
The Last Abortion and "Pro-Life is a Stupid Stance" Argument I Feel Like Having
The OTHER Last Abortion and "Pro-Life is Stupid" Argument I Feel Like Having

...But I can usually see another's point of view, even if I don't agree with them. But my God... This MF'er. It'll be a long time before I witness this level of idiocy on the internet. This user is in his forties, by the way. Beyond "manchild" level, in fact. I said I wouldn't go back into this IDIOTIC abortion argument. But here we are.


Here’s the problem that neither you or the left want to hear, but need to hear. Most people are reasonable. The majority of people could agree that if continuing a pregnancy that a woman would die then it’s not reasonable to ask her to sacrifice her life. Most people would believe that in the case where the baby would never survive or has passed away in the womb that there’s a reasonable justification for abortion at that point.

Many people would probably agree that in the cases of incest and rape, it’s also acceptable to make exceptions to the ‘no abortion’ belief.

Even fewer, but many would believe that abortion 0-12 weeks (ironically where most of the liberal European countries make their laws) is acceptable.

Women still have “their rights”. The difference is whether you believe that right extends to killing someone else.

However, the left in the United States has gone outrageously extreme demanding abortions at will. They won’t even make a stand that abortion while the child is in the birth canal is wrong. They can’t bring themselves to make a moral stand. They call unborn children ‘parasites’, ‘inhuman’, and won’t recognize that almost 90% of abortions are purely for convenience.

It’s THEIR fault that this debate has gotten so polarized. When you become unreasonable, then you can expect equal push back.

(The basis of his argument isn't even bad. It's when he makes it about morality, despite everything that came before it, and tries to claim "abortions are immoral" and "done merely for convenience" does he invalidate everything beforehand. Remember this last line this guy said.)

ME (Paraphrasing):
"Most people are reasonable."
Also: "ABORTION IS JUST KILLIN' BABIES, blah, blah, blah..."

(He responds.)

Thanks for proving my point.

(I respond.)

You talk about people being reasonable and then make an argument purely based on moral-fagging and subjective "morality," which ironically is exactly what the Left that you hate so much does. [You said "whether you believe that right extends to KILLING SOMEONE ELSE" and "90% of abortions are purely for CONVENIENCE."]

There is no "point" here in this post because the argument is based on pure emotional opinion and "morality," and no actual facts or science (the facts and science actually leaning towards pro-choice, but that's neither here nor there).

Which is why the abortion debate is so stupid, to begin with. There is no "right answer" here on either side, but the right is more guilty of "being polarizing" than the left because they're the ones who are more over-emotional and less logical about it. [They're the ones trying to force permanent life choices on others under arbitrary and made-up "moral reasons" when it's none of their damn business who becomes a mother or opts out of it.]

(He attempts to make the scientific argument.)

No, there is objectively and scientifically a human child in a woman’s womb. Nothing else. That child has value, and a right to live. Period.

(Makes an argument based on science and "the right to live." So he's implying the science is on his side and that there is a human child inside a woman at all times after conception and that terminating it is "murder." I respond to this.)

Between 5 weeks and 2 months (8 weeks) in the womb. "An unborn human or animal in the earliest stages of growth when its basic structures are being formed." No brain activity.


Between 2 months and 6 months in the womb. "An unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception." "The last stage of fetal development is organogenesis, when the organs are formed. Brain activity is minimal and only has basic life support." No cognitive thoughts. Essentially, it is a vegetable.

Unborn Human Baby:
Between 6 to 9 months in the womb. "Reaching week 27 of your pregnancy means you're now in the third and final trimester. While this trimester could end at week 40, in reality it ends whenever your baby is born. A baby is considered to have been born full-term if it is born in weeks 37 to 42 of pregnancy." Has cognitive thoughts and full brain function as a baby.

According to objective science, it isn't a "baby" until the third trimester, or six months into pregnancy. Anything before that is factually NOT a baby. [Hence the terms "embryo" and "fetus."] It has the POTENTIAL to become a healthy human baby if everything goes right, but it is an embryo or fetus and not fully capable of living outside of the womb, unlike a C-sectioned unborn baby can at the third trimester.

I looked this up within minutes on Google. But whatever. I'm not here to argue with emotional rants. Just pointing out the lack of science or facts in all the right-wing abortion virtue signaling pro-life BS. Now continue to explain how "reasonable" you are on this argument.

Here's an even simpler argument for you: Scrambled eggs are not chicken wings. Arguing any chicken egg can one day become a chicken and one day become chicken wings doesn't change the fact that scrambled eggs are still not chicken wings [and chicken eggs are not chickens].

(I didn't mention the egg was unfertilized, because that was clearly implied, and also wasn't the point. But he REALLY harps on it for some reason, not understanding what a metaphor is. The point was genetically, eggs are not chickens. Just like embryos are not fully-formed human beings. So it's dumb to compare an embryo and a fully-formed newborn as being "the same thing" - the Pro-life argument - just like it's dumb to compare a chicken egg - fertilized or not; that's not the point - or scrambled eggs to a living chicken or chicken wings. I thought the analogy was so simple, even a child could follow it. But no; he's beyond stupid and missed the point entirely.)

(Here's when it gets good and goes off the rails.)

People in the 1800s had scientific evidence that black people weren’t as evolved as white people, so it was perfectly moral to enslave them. Germans in the 1930s had all sorts of scientific evidence that Jews weren’t human as well. As far back as the 1950s, it was perfectly ok to shove ice picks through the brains of mentally ill people because they were retards and couldn’t feel pain. People throughout the years have found “scientific” ways to dehumanize and abuse other human beings.

Scott Peterson was tried on two counts of homicide. Funny you’d do that if the baby wasn’t a human. So kindly fuck right off with your sanctimonious bullshit. [Fertilized chicken eggs you eat will] never be chickens. God damn, now you’re going full retard.

(Yes, he quite literally makes a "science is racist and oppressive" argument and my head explodes in disbelief. And as mentioned, missed the chicken and egg analogy entirely.)

Sounds pretty rational and reasonable to me. Not at all emotional...

We've already had this discussion before. There's nothing you can say here to sound intelligent or logical. It's an emotional argument based on nothing beyond feelings. So there's no point in continuing. I just felt the need to point out why you're wrong about your argument having any sense of reason or logic to it.

(Pretty much everything from here on out is him having nothing else to say but to call me "stupid" in various ways, despite him counterarguing nothing or proving why any of his pro-life claims have any scientific, reasonable, or moral merit. ...Not that I expected someone this stupid to be able to back up their claims.)

This is the fucking best part. You pretend you follow “science and logic” but can’t tell me the difference between a fertilized chicken egg and an unfertilized one. You again, proved my point. You’re such a fucking retard you won’t even accept basic biological principles.

Thanks for proving you’re an idiot.

(At this point, he has nothing else even remotely relevant to say. So I start dismissing him.)

Me (Paraphrasing):


lol. Keep trying.
(To OP) Sorry you had to read [his] stupidity.

Another person responded to the argument: This person is not the level of the original guy, though, but he makes this argument.

How about if we make slavery legal again?
If you don't like slavery, don't own one!
Why impose any type of morality on anyone who thinks differently than you?

(I respond to that.)

I already explained the abortion argument is stupid, no different than Liberals in their virtue signaling about LGBT stuff, and there's no point in arguing when idiots (not necessarily you) are going to say things like "only reasonable people agree with my straw-hat conservative morality" (the same right-leaning who people who believe shooting people in the face is okay cause the Second Amendment, but terminating a 5 week embryo is "murder") and "Science be racist!"

It truly is the conservative "there are more than two genders" argument. I'm done wasting time on arguments based purely on feelings and no science or logic.


You truly are a retard.

(Keep in mind, this isn't the first time I've seen this person argue like this either. I've even argued with him before on an anonymous question. He ALWAYS does this. Makes an extremely stupid, subjective baseline argument. Then just claims "thanks for proving my point" without debating or debunking anything. Then just proceeds to call people names without disproving anything. He's done it to me before, he's done it to other far-right conservatives like him before. It's this guy's M.O. So this one argument is not unique. But this is worth preserving in a museum due to how stupid this argument was.)

To recap, this person, an extreme anti-leftist with about a 70 IQ:

1. Made a one-sided argument based on arbitrary subjective morality and the other side (pro-choice) were "being unreasonable," lazy, and irrational, for being denied the right to opt out of parenthood because some idiots who are right-leaning want to impose their fake morality on the lives of people they'll never meet.

2. Makes a "factual, scientific" claim that pregnant women are (always) carrying children inside them and that abortion (at any stage) is objectively murder and that embryos and fetuses have human rights.

3. Denounces science entirely and make a "science is racist" argument, further implying that science is anti-morality and that extreme cases of pseudo-science are the same thing as safe abortions for women who are mentally or socially unfit to be parents.

4. Spends a long time trying to deconstruct the chicken and the egg analogy like the dumbest idiot I've ever seen.

5. Argues for "biological principles" after JUST denouncing science as being anti-moral because of a few extreme cases, contradicting his own previous point.

6. Spends the next half hour just insulting me, having backed up none of his points whatsoever. Like, at all! Unless you count the "science is evil and oppressive" argument.

I don't usually do stuff like this. But the level of idiocy and pseudo-intellectualism here blows my mind. I'm dumbfounded. It actually amazes me people can be this stupid while trying to sound smart. This level of idiocy far surpasses what I thought was possible.

Don't go looking for this person on here, or attack them. Just know, I've NEVER met anyone this f*cking dumb in my life on the entire internet before.

By the way, I made my own argument on the original question regarding this idiotic abortion argument. Here's the abridged version.

"I think it's idiotic to be taking this seriously and just proves how those on the right are really no more intelligent than those on the left and that MOST human beings are really, really, REALLY dumb.

I'm pro-choice and don't agree with them essentially banning abortion in most of America for pointless, asinine, and retarded emotional reasons that don't affect any of those pro-life involved in ANY way, but I also get how easily manipulated people are by any stupid-ass hot button issue.

The LOGICAL compromise would be to just make abortions legal up until the third trimester. As in, anything before five to six months is legal, but beyond that is unjustified (because you could just C-section it out by then and it's actually developed enough to call a "baby" by then and can survive outside the womb). But that would, you know, not involve most people being over-emotional assholes who can't put aside their arbitrary differences for the good of everyone. Everyone's gotta take one extreme or the other."

IF anyone out there is pro-life, then please, PLEASE argue why you think you personally believe YOU should have the right to force the government to control the lives of random people you will never meet or interact with...

And why you think you personally should be able to force women - irresponsible, reckless, foolish, stupid-decision-making women, by your own admission - to be mothers against their will, and potentially psychologically abuse and/or kill (actually kill) a child they were forced into raising based on your arbitrary subjective, feelings-based beliefs.

Please explain to me why your personal, feelings-based, straw-hat "morality" should be imposed onto others, in a lifelong permanent decision simply because you don't like it and you see an embryo as the same exact identical lifeform as a two year old baby boy and why no one else is allowed to have control over their own bodies and be able to opt out of parenthood, or painful labor, merely because you don't like it.

And please don't be a Libertarian, alcohol drinker, smoker, meat-eater, anti-vaxxer, or Second Amendment advocate while doing it. Lest you be a massive hypocrite and asshole. You don't want random Joe Bob in Arkansas or Karen in SoCal to tell you you're not allowed to drink or eat red meat, but want to force people across the country (that you deem to be foolish and irresponsible for accidentally getting pregnant to begin with) into lifelong parenthood instead of taking the more responsible route of not raising potential children they're unfit to raise.

If you can argue why you should be able to impose your arbitrary opinions onto others REAL, ACTUAL lives and explain why you want more government - federal or state - control over people's lives and bodies without using "feelings over facts" bullsh*t, or self-righteous pseudo-morality, I'm all ears. Just PLEASE don't be as autistic as the last guy.

I've been anti-government and "banning things cause feelings" since day one. Or more specifically, I'm anti-government-control over our daily lives. I'm not a Libertarian though; I'm just not stupid enough to support such madness!

I'm not a "no vaccine mandates, but let's ban abortions" hypocrite. I'm not a "Let's make something illegal just because I don't like it" asshole. I f*cking HATE marijuana and stoner culture, but do you see me trying to ban it everywhere? I'd even vote for it to be legal everywhere, despite me hating weed. I'm also not trying to ban OnlyFans as well, even though I despise that and think its a blight on society, too. I wish women didn't do that, but I'm not going to ban it just because I, one person, don't like it.

Why? Because I'm all about that freedom life. I'm not a selfish f*cking asshole. It's not hard to not be one. I don't just say sh*t on the internet and then try to act like an authoritarian asshole to get sh*t banned whenever there's something I don't like.

And the fact both the left, and especially the right when it comes to abortion, have to resort to this childish "I'm gonna go tell mom and dad and get you in trouble" selfishness and refusal to just LET PEOPLE LIVE AS THEY WANT TO F*CKING LIVE, is exactly why America is losing more rights and freedoms, everyday.

The elitists know how to control you all, and while you're all fighting over utterly STUPID nonsense like abortion, they're stripping away all your rights, all while you believe you're making "progress" just because your one side got one minor victory while both of you are losing the war.

If both the left and right keep gaining "victories" to ban or impose things on the other side merely because they have a personal disagreement with them, then who exactly keeps gaining more and more power each time? It's not you, the people. Think about it... Especially if you're slow to catch on.

This whole idiotic pro-life argument makes me seem like a Liberal or Progressive and I hate that. I dislike both sides of Western politics. This is why I don't call myself a "Conservative, Republican, Liberal, or Democrat" and you should stop taking sides and joining the political clubs too. But once again, I digress.

At 18,540 characters, this is probably one of my longest MyTakes. But the TL;DR is:

Stop being an oppressive, authoritarian asshole because you didn't get your way and let people live as they want, if it ain't hurting you or anyone else. (This means people who are actually alive, not hypothetical "what if?" babies.)

Literally The Dumbest Abortion Argument Ive Ever Seen On The Internet (Abortion/Pro-Life)
Literally The Dumbest Abortion Argument I've Ever Seen On The Internet (Abortion/Pro-Life)
Post Opinion