Battling Loneliness- You Are Not Alone

Battling Loneliness. You aren't alone in this feeling of Loneliness . I'm 30 now and since I was 15 I've battled the feeling... One...
7 11

Breaking Up with The Online World

Or at least, "We can still be friends, right?"  Changing your relationship with your online habits can be just as frustrating and...
7 4

Why I dislike neofeminism and I believe it to be harmful ideology

Before I dive into detail let me state a fe disclaimers so we are on the same page - I am equalists. I do believe that we all should...
4 13

Why Do People Misunderstand Freedom of Expression?

I was watching this the other day..
6 5

Why Are There So Many Haters on Islam?

I just found out this website called GodHatesIslam and was pretty furious, as in, why and how the hell they know exactly that God, hates...
14 22

Kill Them With **Confidence**

Many, many girls my age and in high school, maybe even in college or beyond, struggle with many insecurities and deal with a lot of...
3 5

Are We What We Drive?

The other day I saw a post on this website about, frankly one of the oddest insecurities I've ever heard of. A girl was asking about her...
6 6

Are men who drink tea seen as feminine?

This is a weird belief a (female) friend expressed, and to be honest it's not the first time I hear it - that tea is a woman's thing....

What is your opinion on the temporary cease fire and the freeing of hostages?

What is your opinion on the temporary cease fire and the freeing of hostages? Do you feel hopeful that the majority or all still in...

Is it too little - too late that they realize this? Evangelical Leader Names Time And Place...

And who believes this excuse? Trump defends mistaking Obama for Biden, says he’s...

Would you date outside your race?

Personally I can’t. I’m not racist it’s just that I can’t. I mean I can but don’t want to.
5 14

Are you for the Electoral Count Reform Act?

It’ll raise the bar for questioning elections. You know…like requiring more than yelling “Fraud!”
1 5

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