Why I dislike neofeminism and I believe it to be harmful ideology


Before I dive into detail let me state a fe disclaimers so we are on the same page
- I am equalists. I do believe that we all should have same rights and responsibilities no matter sex, race or convictions

- I have great amount of admiration and respect for original feminists who had to stand up for things like right to vote, control over their own bodies or to make their own money.

- I do realise that there are more than one branches of feministic worldview. I am mostly expressiong my views on those that I can see around me and in the media.

- Even though these are my personal views. For most times I am gonna try to keep them calm and rational

Why I dislike neofeminism and I believe it to be harmful ideology

So now to what I consider moral failings of contemporary feminism:

1. It is hypocritical in it's fight for female rights: I believe that everybody including women should have right to choose their path in life. Sadly to often I actually see feminsts bashing women for choosing freely to be stay-at-home mums or homaker in general, being prostitute, being submissive one in heterosexual relationship etc... While many neofeminists are very vocal about the most insignificant issues and coining blatantly absurd terms as "stare rape", they remain completely oblivious to awful opression many women face in islamic communities that are becoming more and more prevalent in Europe for example.

2. It is leftist: Not sure about USA. But in Europe most feminists throw themselves in with socialists, green parties, outright commies and other kind of neomarxists. So more than female rights they push for high taxation, control of state over more and more aspects of life, absurdly overbloated beurocracy, strict gun control, massive subsidization, uncontrolled immigration and all the jazz. Makes sense. Lots of them actually make easy, immoral living in some non-profit organization doing totally useless activities latched to taxpayers money.

3. It is racists: Many neofeminists and neomarxists in general consider white heterosexual men to be the root of all evil today. While man can't as much as look at the woman anymore listening to them. As long as you are pakistani or some other non-white it is apparently OK to gang rape underage girls with officials knowing about it but being afraid to do something for fear of being accused of racism. Oh the irony.

4. It is mysandric: It seems to me that most neofeminists aren't as much concerned with women and men having equal rights as much as women having as much as possible while men having as little as possible. While they nitpick at every possible sign of discrimination against women, no matter how far fetched their case. Blatant case of men discrimination leave them cool. Divorce and child custody case are one blatant and well known example. I once read a story of man being refused free breast cancer screening (yes men can get that one too) becouse of his sex even though there was nowhere specified it was for women only. When he complained, he cought some fire from feminists. Apparantly male lifes do not matter.

5. It is destroying education system: Nowadays little boys are being punished and overdiagnosed with ADHD for what would be considered normal boy behaviour only few decades ago. Fact is that standard has shifted and rewards typical female behaviour and punishes behaviour typical for little boys as soon as in elementary schools. The whole school system is being reworked to suit girls better. This trend can be seen even on the university level. Where totally useless courses like gender studies were created. According to statistics more women than men finish university level education nowadays. I am not saying that is not the case. But it would be interesting to see the numbers for fields of study that are actually in some way uselful to society.

6. It is actually one of the roots of "The nice guy phenomenon": Feminism pretty much pushed men out of process of child raising. Many boys are raised by single mothers nowadays and in schools and kindergardens with almost exusively female staff. Not only that boys are than deprived of male role models but since ALL of their authority figures at that early impressionable age are female. They are basically trained to please and seek gratification from women almost excusively. That's toxic psychologically. Also having no male role models they often have their masculinity defined by those females. That's also toxic. The fact that feminists labeled typically male behavior as sexual assertivity, agressivity (there's nothing bad about agressivity if it's intagrated, controlled and channeled), invididualism and high risk/high reward behaviour as bad and pathological. These men are effectivelly ashamed of their masculinity. What we get are confused men who are slowly finding out that women are actually attracted to a whole different things that they were made to believe and frustrated women who complain about not being able to find "a real man".

7. It refuses any criticism and discussion

When someone tries to dispute some official neofeminists worldview, more often than not emotional uproar, name calling, social bullying and ad-hominem attacks follow. o often have been peopel seeking rational discussion with feminists voicing their disagreement on some issues simply labeled as mysoginists, rape supporters and othe wonderful insults

8. It seeks abolishment of "innocent until proven guilty" principle

It is becoming common practice in western world that people who are only accused of sex crime are already paraded on public as perverts and their lifes are publically destroyed. It even made courts to sometime convict people for sex crime without any tangible proof. Pressumtion of innocence is one of the most basic principles of legal system of free, democratic country. Any ideology trying to tear it down could be considered totalitarian in certain way.

And that's about it. I wrote this down as I thought about it so it might not be as coherent and polished as it coudl be if I took some care to edit and revise it. Please do voice your opinions if you feel inclined to do so. I welcome any opinions, even the opposing ones as long as they are non-abusive and not devoid of substance.

Why I dislike neofeminism and I believe it to be harmful ideology
17 Opinion