How much your screen time?

Most people watch YouTube a lot. Nowadays, it has become almost an addiction. Are you addicted to YouTube or any other platform? If yes,...

Is this a good pc build for gaming?

Do y'all have a hidden album/photos in your phones?

I, myself is guilty 🙋‍♂️ What about you? And if you can, do tell what're you hiding?

In Florida the house passed a bill prohibiting the use of social media by anyone under the age of 16. Is this the beginning of a trend?

I can't imagine how this can be enforced and even question the legality of it. I suppose if you can keep kids out of R rated movies you...

Which VPN works the best and you can use on multiple devices at once?

Which VPN works the best and you can use on multiple devices at once? Do you use an VPN? Please don't judge anyone....
1 5

Do you repair or maintain your electronic devices by yourself or hire people for it?

I have started maintaining my laptop by my own now. The image you see is after I am finished applying thermal paste on CPU and GPU....
6 15

If you have a dating mobile app, what should it be called?

interesting dating app I will be waiting for your names :)
2 3

Manual or automatic?

Unless im driving my wifes car, i only drive stick. I feel like im actually DRIVING my machine. Curious to know because i hear manuals...
2 5

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