If you got divorced would you advertise it?

Would you tell everyone or keep it to yourself? Your views?

Should I file for divorce if husband went to the club?

Husband and I have been together for 10 years. Married for 4. Both 28 years old. Originally we had a no club/bar rule without each...

Shoudl I divorce my husband for going to the club?

Husband and I have been having problems and he wanted to separate for a bit but we didn’t get. This was a week ago and he’s been out...

Are women evil?

I made friends with a guy who has a child with his ex girlfriend. They dated for 5 years and ended with a bad break up. He tells me the...

Nearly one year after breakup I'm still devastated?

10 months on and I'm still crying every day, having bad anxiety and depression. I shun people and can barely function. I don't have any...

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