Acne scars dealbreaker?

I've had acne since I was 14 growing up with it was so horrible. People would just tell me wash your face as clearing up acne was easy as that. I had a 6 step face routine. My acne eventually cleared up but when I hot to college I got it back horribly and finally managed to get that under control but ended up with acne scars. Not hyperpigmintation, wish it was just that, but some some ice pick scars on my cheeks and some scars on my forehead. Anyways my question is are acne scars really that bad when you meet a girl? Because I get asked on dates , I get dressed, put a bit of makeup but not a lot because I feel like I look worse with a lot, but never actually go on the date because I get self conscious. Being insecure about my face is fucking me up haha
Something like this
https://goo. gl/images/TMmbNe
I look good damm good from afar
But can't live my life from afar
Acne scars dealbreaker?
5 Opinion