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+1 y

Guys, if you could date any superheroine, who would you date, and why?

Harley Quinn because margot robbie. I mean she's kinda crazy but... the sex would be interesting probably. Other

+1 y

Signs of cheating in a long distance relationship?

If he has suddenly changed in a dramatic way, that is one major indicator. Relationships

+1 y

Did the debate change who you were going to vote for?

It made me realize America is going to have a really bad president either way. Trending & News

+1 y

Why do some people refuse to accept that white privilege does exist?

All people can say to this is "where can I find it?". But the fact is when you live the same life for years upon years you will not notice it, I don't even notice it but I can still admit it... Society & Politics

+1 y

I'm not looking for a relationship right now- truth or bullshit?

How are we supposed to know, some people just don't want to date. Relationships

+1 y

Are thigh Gaps Gross?

They aren't gross and some are natural if you have a smaller body. Body shaming is horrible. I personally don't find them gross so I'm sure others agree. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you rather kill 1 human baby or 100 puppies?

Kill the baby, he or she will probably grow up to be an Internet troll. Other

+1 y

Do you like dark humour? Whats your darkest joke? Other

+1 y

What's your favourite chocolate bar?

Reeces pieces, sooooooooo fuckinggggggggggg gooooooooooooooooood. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Would you date a girl wearing an eye patch?

Reminds me of Another, the anime LOL. But yes I would and I would wonder what is under because of curiosity. Dating

+1 y

What are some things that you do to cope with anxiety and depression?

Post on this site a lot and it makes it especially great if I actually get thumbs up. Not even joking either because I have intrusive thought OCD and it pairs great with anxiety. But being active... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Should we bring back segregation?

Segregation so white people can't talk to black people and white people can't marry black people without being heavily criticized. Or white people and black people can't share anything? I guess... Society & Politics

+1 y

What does seeing someone exclusively mean to you?

Girlfriend/boyfriend. Exclusivity is in essence is you taking something serious which usually leads to you being exclusively theirs. Dating

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