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Ladies, It's Okay to Reject Me: My Self-Image Won't Shatter If You Do

She looked at me with sad, anxious eyes. It was as if she'd just told me I'd be dead in a week. It was the face of someone breaking catastrophic news to a fellow human, and terrified how he might react. And all she said was, "I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me." It was a rejection. She...

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Unhealthy and Unhappy? 5 of Your Lamest Myths and Excuses

The days are getting longer and warmer, and you're staring at yourself in the mirror, dreading the meaning behind the weather shift: "Damn, I'll have to wear less clothing, and for a longer period of time every day. And I look like this ." Unless you took advantage of that gym membership or...

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10 of the Sexiest TV Vixens Every Teen Guy Secretly Adored

If they're being honest, every guy will admit to having a TV crush. It usually happened in junior high or high school and that memory just never disappears, does it? Even today, if you see the old show - and your old virtual flame - you go, "oh man, I loved her!" In honor of those days, here...

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GaG Writing Contest: Submit Your Best "First" Story!

You wanted a way to showcase your writing ability, GaGers? Well, here ya go, but bear in mind that all our contests are open to the public - per the very nature of this site - so don't be surprised if you see some fresh competition! Enter our new writing contest, which begins as of now and will...

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Facebook Conservative Suppression is Part of Why Trump Got This Far

For the record, I ally nowhere. I'm an independent and always will be. But if there's one thing that bothers me, it's blatant hypocrisy. It's listening to a group of people expound and lecture and condemn while simultaneously doing precisely what they supposedly hate. In one breath, you say...

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Relationship Advice Experts: Reliable Sources or Total Charlatans?

I've been wondering about this for a while. A little back story first: A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far... Okay, sorry. It really does seem like another time in my life as it was over a decade ago, but I used to write for AskMen.com. My nom de plume was simply "The Player" (those of...

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Editor of the Month, April Edition: SweetHomicidalQueen

It's Editor of the Month time again and for the month of April, the prestigious award goes to- @SweetHomicidalQueen Congrats! She wins a $25 Amazon gift card and here 3 of her best - and our favorite - posts: 14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife Why I Love Being A Woman Tips And...

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Mother's Day Survival Guide: 5 Ways to Avoid a Year-Long Deep Freeze

It's the day you just can't mess up, and you KNOW why. Watch the below video on how to stay in mom's good graces for the next 365 days: https://www.facebook.com/GirlsAskGuys/videos/10153684568161376/ Sure, your mother understands you're a busy person these days. She gets that it's hard for you...

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Fit Bottomed Girls on Why Diets Are Useless, And How To Love the Burn

It has become a major focus in the United States because frankly, it has to be. In a critically unhealthy world, people like the Fit Bottomed Girls are striving to help those who aspire to #healthandfitness, who are interested in taking a responsibility for their own lives. The " FBGs " are...

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Oh Dear, Did I Cheat? Analyzing 8 Tricky Situations

Check out our latest hot video, right here! https://www.facebook.com/GirlsAskGuys/videos/10153679238511376/ We see this question all the time on GaG: "Did I cheat if...?" Well, while there'd be no way address each scenario, we figured we'd offer 8 funny/questionable situations where cheating may...

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GaG April Recognition: Our Favorite Pieces and People

You know, there's a lot of great stuff on GirlsAskGuys every month (and there will be more in the very near future, if I have anything to say about it). That's why, at the end of every month, we're going to dole out some well-earned appreciation. This will include Questions and MyTakes that...

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Natasha Tracy Tackles the Tough Questions: Bipolar, Suicide, Medication, Oh My

In the past few months, we've seen a lot of questions about suicide and mental illness/wellness on GirlsAskGuys. These are important yet tricky topics to address and because of that, we thought we'd turn to a well-known individual in the field. Welcome Natasha Tracy, an award-winning writer,...

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How to Realize "You Matter" And Freeing The Genius Inside, With Angela Maiers

I love to read and write. I do both every day. But school didn't instill such passions in me. In fact, I hated reading and writing in school; I only fell in love with both long after I'd graduated college. Sadly, I'm not unique, as many of my friends are only now rediscovering the love of...

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Video Games Live, Tommy Tallarico Reviving Musical Passion Around the World

The love of music is deeply human, appreciated on an intrinsic, almost molecular level. We all have our preferences and tastes, but we seem hard-wired to respond positively to music we enjoy and appreciate. And as any music aficionado will tell you, live music is on another level. Well, it's on...

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Dr. Jamie Turndorf aka Dr. Love: Healing Old Scars, Love Truly Never Dies

A self-proclaimed love doctor with an enviable love story of her own. A desire to help others transformed and in fact increased by personal loss. Science blended with spirituality, infused with an ardent and encouraging belief that in fact, love - all love, romantic, platonic, familial - never...

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Gaming Icon David Jaffe On Open-World Boredom, Gamer Personas, And "Fu***** Loving VR"

If you know video games, you know David Jaffe. The man who helped bring us now-legendary names like Twisted Metal and God of War has seen the industry change and evolve over the years, and he has changed a little, too. Gaming has changed drastically since he first started working in the...

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Why Americans Fell in Love With Downton Abbey

"Downton Abbey" creator Julian Fellowes has been asked many times why his hugely popular TV show went over so well with Americans. And his answer has always been, he honestly doesn't know. One could ask a similar question concerning the other massive hit from across the pond; "Sherlock,"...

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Kimberly Seltzer: The Dating/Makeover Expert Gives Singles the Gift of Hope

Dating is this wondrous dichotomy of excitement and anxiety. It's a heady blend of wildly unpredictable emotions and feelings. It can run the gamut between the nightmarish "you would not believe this date I had" and the blissful, "oh my God, he's the one ." When negotiating this minefield, it...

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Stephan LaBossiere Speaks Out On Confidence, Chivalry, and Sex for the Wrong Reasons

How we relate to one another is a complex thing. It goes well beyond the standard "hey, how ya doin'" that we all trade every day. It even goes beyond our deepest thoughts because when communicating with someone else, we have to try to understand their deepest thoughts. It's tricky, no doubt...

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