Relationship Advice Experts: Reliable Sources or Total Charlatans?

Relationship Advice Experts: Reliable Sources or Total Charlatans?

I've been wondering about this for a while.

A little back story first: A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far... Okay, sorry. It really does seem like another time in my life as it was over a decade ago, but I used to write for My nom de plume was simply "The Player" (those of you familiar with the site might know this character), and it was my job to assume command of a personality with which I couldn't quite identify. But hey, I figured, "how hard can it be?"

Wasn't that hard, actually. As a writer first and foremost, I pulled it off. I lent a little sophistication to the role and actually managed to include some old-fashioned values and a respect for women most "players" don't have. But the point is, I successfully posed as an expert in the realm of dating and sex advice for over four years.

Relationship Advice Experts: Reliable Sources or Total Charlatans?

Does that make me a legitimate relationship expert? Probably not. I have a degree in Psychology but I never got any advanced degree, and I can't call myself a "sexologist" or some sort of therapy master. At the same time, there were a lot of readers who bought the act and frankly, I think I offered some pretty solid advice, time and time again. I actually got to think of myself as a reliable source as opposed to someone who simply knows a little about interpersonal relationships and has, of course, dated in the past. In other words, I really thought of myself as an "expert" after a while.

Now I'm seeing the title popping up EVERYWHERE. It's like anyone can hang out their virtual shingle and call themselves a "relationship/dating advice expert." Most of them certainly have no formal education and aside from writing a few self-published books, I fail to see how they're "experts." Then again, they can be awfully popular and therefore, lots of people are buying what they're selling. Does that mean it's working? Can they be relied upon?

Maybe. I really don't know. I was just wondering what people thought about this issue:

When you see the label "Relationship Expert," what do you think? Do you immediately assume this person doesn't know more than the average goofball and just knows how to market himself/herself better than others? Or do you think it might be someone who could actually help you?

I really do believe The Player helped some guys out there (and no, not at the expense of women). Even so, I doubt I have enough experience in the realm of dating and love to be called an "expert." Maybe that's all it comes down to: Experience. Those who do something - anything - more than others are bound to know more about it, right? Then again, those who keep trying and failing shouldn't be revered...okay, so you've gone on 278 first dates. That tells me you can get the dates but it also tells me you must suck at the rest of it.

Thoughts on this? Is the term #RelationshipExpert just a buzzword now that doesn't mean much of anything?

Relationship Advice Experts: Reliable Sources or Total Charlatans?
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