A man will literally expect you to give away your feminine energy, your body, and your time just to ask you to split the bill and do it all while working a job otherwise you're 'useless' and you don't contribute, even though you do twice as much work as he does. Not to mention you ALWAYS have to be down to give him on demand sexual favours while he just stands there, only for him to walk away right after and ignore any of your needs, not caring at all about your pleasure, but you have to serve his every need. Not to mention the crushing expectation of doing most of the childcare, the housework and being the one who physically gives birth, only for the uninvolved man to take half of the credit for all of your back-breaking work while he's able to avoid his responsibilities.
If you DO ask him to do anything it'll be seen as nagging and you'll be painted out to be an irrational harpy, and god forbid he decides to abandon the family because then YOU will be painted out as the irresponsible one. "Oh my gosh! A single mother, what a slut!", Why do we as a society shame the women that stay with their children and feel an obligation to their responsibilities? Instead of the men who are too deadbeat to have any meaningful presence in his children's lives even though it is vastly easier to be a present father as opposed to a present mother. This is because cildren are a VERY high investment for women, as she has to give up her free time, her career, and her body, whereas all the man has to do is put in a little bit of effort SOMETIMES but most of them can't even do that, and don't even bring home the bare minimum.
You'd think after all of this labour you'd at least be getting some sort of attractive or high quality man? WRONG, you are 'shallow' and 'delusional' for expecting any sort of man who brings at least some sort of equivalent value to you in the relationship. Men are freely allowed to openly express their disgust towards black women, fat women and older women, EVEN though THEY themselves fall far short of conventionally attractive, but if you don't want to date that broke, entitled, short, ugly creepy 'nice' guy you're just shallow and don't see 'true beauty'.
ALL of this women have had to deal with for CENTURIES, and many do STILL go through, but incels will whine about women now developing some kind of standards for someone who they will essentially be socially pressures to have to be a maid, cook, personal assistant, free psychologist and free punching bag to. Incels minds are blown at the fact that women have woken up to the fact that they have recieved the short end of the straw, and they hate the idea of not having financial power over us, they can't even handle a fraction of what we're just expected to deal with.
BEAR > MAN. I'd rather be at the mercy of a bear than a man. WHY? Because a bear will maul you because it's necessary for it to continue its life, it'll use you as food. Contrast that to a man, who'll make you a slave to his whims and desires, not for his survival but for his pleasure.
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