What Happened to Men being Men?

What Happened to Men being Men?

What Happened to Men being Men?

Feminist and Delicate Men

You will not like this just fair warning.

Might not, will not, match your belief system.

I'm sorry if anybody's sensitive and gets easily offended.

When did You Forget?

What the heck happened to men being strong, having pride in themselves, and remembering they are freaking men? Men today have NO pride in being a man. Having NO pride in being a man they then try to treat women the same or as "equals". Not the fact fellas,,, xx=female xy=male

What Happened to Men being Men?

This is one reason men don't protect women like they use to. Some men now group themselves as the same gender class as a woman (partly thanks to feminist and transformers). It use to not be okay for a man to hit a woman. Now you guys seem to not mind seeing domestic violence any place or time.

What Happened to Men being Men?

Some situations are just not for men.

Some feminine traits are just not for men.

Some skill sets are just not for men.

Some emotions not really for men.

Paying for Dates

What Happened to Men being Men?

So as a Man you should always expect to pay for dates "sorry life's hard". You want her to be able to relax and enjoy her time with you don't you? And that will be difficult if a girl is worried about the money she’s spending she did not plan on. Silly her probably thought she was going on a date with a man not to hangout with a boy. If you have a woman split the tab with you she may no longer see this as a “date”.

What Happened to Men being Men?

She may instead get the message that the two of you are nothing more than friends. If you want to avoid her seeing you in that light then paying for the date will go a long way.

What if she offers to chip in? Say No...

Standing Up to Another Man over a Woman

What Happened to Men being Men?

I take MMA if any girl was going to kick a guys ass it would be me. Now back down to Earth where we are not all "equals" men are stronger and even with a female having formal training like me a man will still beat a woman 80% of the time in a fist fight period. Women need men to stand up for them in some situations when the circumstances are called for. When the threat is literally past the women's ability to handle it equally. Then yes, a man should step in.

What Happened to Men being Men?

That again goes back to being proud you are a man and have the ability to stand up for a woman because you are biologically stronger and larger. Men today are scientifically proven to have less sex drive. That just makes me really sad for women's sex lives. Unless you are on steroids, most men’s testosterone levels are usually below average now. As you might guess, low T-levels are responsible for a decreasing libido in today’s males and unsatisfied women around the world.

Wtf is that thing?

What Happened to Men being Men?

Oh, it's a modern day male, I think??????

Modern Day Men Would Die in Nature

What Happened to Men being Men?

If a modern day man were forced to live out in nature due to their city being destroyed by a natural catastrophe or similar, many of them would simply perish within days. Most of them would have absolutely no clue on how to provide for food, shelter and safety. I even have knowledge of hunting, fishing, and trapping. This is ridiculous guys, do you even work on cars anymore? Do you still drive trucks or sports cars even I hope?

What Happened to Men being Men?

The Modern Man's Future

What are the chances that modern men can leave their wimp status behind and start living like real men in the near future again? In my opinion, this is very unlikely to occur given that technology is bound to make our lives even more convenient thus making men even more lazy, fat, and weak. Movies like The NoteBook and 50 Shades of Grey with promotions of men's feelings and emotions everywhere won't help a bit either. Men running around crying wearing pink talking about their place in society. Trying to make me pay for dates good luck guys. Maybe you will luck out and women will have zero standards for masculinity in today's modern male.

What Happened to Men being Men?


What Happened to Men being Men?
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