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myTakes: Guy's Behavior

3 Ways to Not be Seen as "Creepy" as a Guy

According to an article in Business Wire, almost 70% of men report that the fear of being labeled "creepy" affects the way they interact with women. The fear of being creepy may in many ways be justified. According to the...

My ex finally got arrested for domestic violence on someone else.. I’m upset that justice took so long

In 2014, I was beaten so badly by my ex and he got away with it every time. He beat me for so many years😭😭 we broke up and he was sending text messages to his phone as if it was me. He was also beating on that girl and...

The Term Alpha Male Is A Lie. You Might As Well Believe In Santa Clause.

Before I begin I would like to clear up one thing. I am not here to tear down men that have confidence or look up to this ferry tail to gain confidence. I want to free you from an egotistical miInclude a caption for your...

Does The Male Impress The Female Or Does The Female Impress The Male?

The male of every single species chases the female and has to impress the female. Paying for those who risk giving birth to their snotty brat. Is the least these weak, pathetic, bad genes males can do. THE LEAST , the...

What does he mean and what should I do

During this awkward one-sided 'conversation' we also talked about when to leave. He looked at the time and said like in half an hour or something. Yet we stayed together for an hour and a half. At the end we walked...

Cynicism: how to deal with utter poverty and dejection

If cynicism were a person, it could say "Before stoicism, I was." Cynicism is a derivative of Socratic/platonic philosophy. It's proponents said that because Socrates could refute any philosophical idea, the only true...

Men vs. women making mistakes

I don't know if it's only me, but it seems to me that guys get away with making mistakes *early on* more than women do. In the sense of if a guy unintentionally messes sth up, the woman will still be willing to discuss it...

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

I saw it again a few weeks ago at a festival. Another guy following around a girl he likes like a puppy. I know this girl. Friendly and very quiet and cute with a nice figure. It was sad and pathetic seeing that guy...

Men, Stoicism, and Life's Battles: The Strength of Silent Resilience.

We're in an era where the prevailing sentiment encourages us men to share our feelings, under the pretext that it makes us feel liberated and understood. But here's the damn truth: men are expected to maintain a level of...

The "Role Reversal" argument doesn't work because it's exactly what men want

The reality of the treatment that women receive, the condescension, the objectification, is that it is men projecting onto women how they want to be treated. This is for a number of reasons that I plan to get into here...

Guys, Most men are lonely

It's ok boys. Time to vent and cry together . Any guy out there get so lonely It might be because of too much sex and no connection. Maybe no emotion expression Maybe lack of trust Maybe empty house Many things Let's be...

She Wants A Man, Not A Boy. Three Signs He's A Real Man.

Being a man if far more than being a guy. A man has responsibilities, respect, renown. A man is kind, calculated, and courteous. If you want to have a healthy relationship with a guy, you have to know is he a boy? Or a...

The Top 7 Traits to Look for in a Truly Good Man

We all know that finding an ideal guy can be tough. Whether you’re navigating the treacherous waters of online dating or simply trying to figure out if the guy you just met is worth your time, it can be hard to know what...

Why do so many older men with nothing going for them think they’re automatically desirable to young women?

I often hear, “She’s used up any nobody wants an older woman. Older men are very desirable though!” When I really don’t see that being the case, other than when grooming high school girls or freshly graduated teenagers....

The continuing weird discussion about masculinity. . .

Years ago, when I first joined GaG, I wanted to talk about relationships. I had hopes this was a place where I could find meaningful discussions on the issues men and women have with forming meaningful bonds. I was and...

Nice Guys Are Not Actually Nice!

(DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT REFERRING TO ALL MEN, MEN ARE AWESOME, I'M ONLY REFERRING TO THE ONES SIMILAR TO WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DESCRIBE!) I try to use this site as a form of therapy until I get actual therapy, but I need to let...

How men can start taking control of their life!

Men these days, I’m sorry to say are being inhibited by all these different groups claiming that masculinity is toxic. I am a firm believer in not trying to fix or alter something that has worked for generations. The fact...

If a man doesn’t want to pay for dates, he doesn’t get to complain about “modern women”

A lot of men complain about “modern women”. how promiscuous they are, how much better than them they think they are, how masculine they are, etc. They go to incredible lengths to mourn the loss of “traditional” women, who...

15 Ways A Woman Wants To Be Treated

1. Be present in all your interactions 2. Ask about her Day 3. Always check up on her 4. Tell her the things you are passionate about 5. Be perceptive 6. Care about the things that are important to her 7. Empathize with...

If you're a guy and your name is this, this is probably your personality (REDUX).

This is my 100th MyTake! So I'm going to go back to an old MyTake and update a little bit for 2023. If this is your name, this is likely your personality and who you are. IT'S NOT SERIOUS. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. IT IS...